Home Health Studying During the Pandemic: How Mental Health Affects Student Performance

Studying During the Pandemic: How Mental Health Affects Student Performance


The pandemic challenges, isolation, pressure during the studies, and many other matters have an impact on all participants of any education process. But, students become the #1 target for all negative sides the Pandemic has. That is for sure. And it is also surely possible to cope with any possible negative scenario and consequences. Having tested tips and practices at hand may easily help with tackling challenges and even boosting competencies.


Reasons Why Mental Health of Students Suffer During the Pandemic Times

Mental health is some kind of aspect that is frequently underestimated a lot. Most troubles with it appear at the time when it is necessary to deal already with the consequences of recklessness. But, paying attention to what is the pandemic impact on mental health beforehand may save a lot of time and effort. So, recklessness is the main cause of all the next troubles. What are the preconditions of these troubles? Let’s cover the most important and widespread of them.

Distant learning is a great opportunity if it is arranged well. In another case, the lack of organization may create a wrongful opinion that distant learning time is a more relaxed study mode. It is not so and that creates a ground for the next disappointment and greater stress for a student. Here is a point where students´ mental health may suffer a lot in the future. Improper disorganization is not the last point that is better to pay attention to beforehand.

Lack of interpersonal connections with peers and teachers also creates grounds for disappointment and frustration. Social distancing is a must-have condition for studying during the pandemic – and that also steals the joy of living communication and interaction between the students associated with the studies at classes. Such restrictions are impossible to overcome now, unfortunately. But, it is necessary to rearrange the communication in a more effective way to prevent the following most widespread mental health disorders caused by the pandemic times.

Most Widespread Disorders and Tips for Coping Those

Before moving to the most common troubles with mental health that are associated with pandemic times, let’s emphasize the positive side first. What does student mental health mean? That is a generally comfortable state that is associated with self-awareness and reliance. A person may keep oneself positive and can arrange one’s life (time, effort, management of resources, etc.) effectively and cope with possible negative emotions that may arise. This state we will mark as the basic and the most appropriate one.

What are things that disrupt this state? Here are the shortlisted most common things:

  1. Anxiety

Experiencing long-lasting feelings of tension, worry, and panic may decrease productivity a lot. Detecting the first signs of those feelings is the best strategy for preventing their possible negative consequences for mental health and studies. It is important to ask yourself what things trigger these states? How can you overcome those? Recognize those emotions you are experiencing and remember that they cannot govern your life but you are a single person who is responsible for your state and the overall life. This will help you to regain control over the situation and find solutions to cope with worries, for instance, thanks to going to the gym.

  1. Eating disorders

These are irregularities associated with eating habits that lead to either overconsumption or food deprivation. Both have a negative impact on the student’s body and performance, consequently. Detecting those in time is not enough. It is also important to understand the causes of such behavior. Previously mentioned anxiety is among the most common reasons for those. Coping with eating disorders is possible after arranging the schedule for taking meals. Prefer things you enjoy (that are more or less healthy) and develop good food habits.

person holding burger

  1. Addictions

These are worrying things that are associated with dependence on certain substances or things. Among the most widespread are alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, video games, etc. Tolerance is the worst thing in that case recognizing the problem and removing all things that trigger such addiction and requesting help in time are foremost things that ensure quick and effective coping with such troubles.

  1. Depression

This is one of the most severe hazards for the mental health of any student. It is associated with the long-lasting feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and losing interest in things you liked before. It is never advisable to try to cope with depression on your own. Referring to a professional for help is the best solution for this case.

Resolving Challenges Is an Easy Thing in a Nutshell

If you want to prevent those inconveniences or if you have already felt you have minor signs of those, it is easy to do. Keeping in mind all previous points about how mental health affects students, create your plan and pay attention to these tested tips that are worth to be included in your checklist:

  1. Preserve interest in studies

Think about things you like during your studies and try to move from one point to another that is associated with the points you like. For instance, you are fond of research but hate writing. The faster you cope with writing, for instance, the faster you can get another piece of research you find more engaging. If you are interested in the process, you can overcome difficulties easier. Interest and frustration are things that exclude each other – you can feel yourself either interested in something or frustrated. What will you choose?

  1. Share with somebody your feelings and troubles

If you are feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions so you can’t move further, do your best to release yourself from these feelings. If you have a good friend who is more effective at planning or can motivate you, ask him/her to talk to you and share with you tested tips. If you are feeling that there is something deeper, it is always a good idea to ask a professional psychologist to help you with advice. For some people, paying for advice becomes an extra motivator for resolving troubles.

  1. Avoid distractors

Pay attention to things that distract you from doing study and other important things. What are they: movies, music, chats, or something else? Don’t skip those if you truly like them. But, devote a concrete period and amount of time. Turn out your weakness into your strength by simply developing self-discipline.

  1. Ask for help in time

Let’s say you have already realized that your current overloads are the consequences of previous failures with palling and arranging your schedule. You are already feeling yourself frustrated and afraid you have nothing to do with all the tasks at stake. Assess your effort and the list of tasks impartially and in a realistic way. Which tasks do you find truly important? Which tasks do you find irrelevant? Think about asking for EssayHelpOnTime or requesting any other help you may need. This option can substantially release your time and decrease the level of stress, respectively. Why is it a worthy and sometimes the only one feasible option?

Planning your time and effort where you are with those workloads that currently exist is the most effective way for resolving study troubles that have appeared. Don’t blame yourself for previous failures to not make the things with your mental health even worse. Don’t blame yourself if you have decided to ask for help on essay writing or any other assignment. What is a more important thing at stake: some irrelevant task to complete or your mental health? The answer appears to be obvious. Help from outside sometimes facilitates a lot for going out of the frustrating situation, coping with study troubles, and saving or improving a mental health state. Save this option to help yourself in the case of terrifying study loads and troubles.

woman in white tank top holding black chopsticks

 Final Words

Paying attention to mental health issues becomes one of the TOP priorities for the studies during pandemic times. This type of health is frequently underestimated. But, it is a fruitful background for coping with any challenges and enhancing any skills. If it is recklessly underestimated, it may become a background for stress, anxiety, frustration, and even depression.

Save yourself from these potential inconveniences by simply knowing the peculiarities of your character and planning your work taking into account its specifics. Keep yourself motivated and pay attention to things that make you interested in your studies. Avoid any possible distractors. Pay attention to having high workloads and try to release yourself a bit of those by simply asking for professional assignment help and psychological assistance from outside. Save your mental health and study performance all the time.

Author’s Bio

Rebecca Carter lives in London and works as an essay writer for a custom writing service. She is always ready to assist students with their writing tasks. Besides, She has a journalism bachelor’s degree and likes writing about her experience. Rebecca enjoys hiking and taking culinary classes in her free time.