Home Business Ways to Benefit from Sage Advice

Ways to Benefit from Sage Advice


The world is full of people offering advice. Some of the advice is good, but much of it is malarkey. Multiple critical elements are at play in a two-way communication between an advice giver and an advice receiver. The credentials of the person giving advice are sacrosanct. There are official credentials in the form of accreditation from colleges and licensing from government-sanctioned bodies. Then, there are alternative credentials. These routinely take the form of experts in a specific vocation with extensive experience to their credit. Think of life coaches, motivational speakers, and even credentialed tarot card readers.

Today, we will take you on a fascinating journey into the communication arena, where important messages are transmitted and received. Our voyage of discovery delves into the inner mechanics of the human mind, where many messages are relayed, processed, enacted, ignored, or shelved for a later date. The mere presence of a sender and a receiver is significant enough to constitute a communication network. While the message is important, both parties to the communication initiative must be synced, receptive, and understanding of one another. The traditional models promote communication between social workers, licensed mental health counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and patients. These communications are often formal interactions with a student/teacher relationship.

However, other aspects of communication – sage advice – are possible via contrarian practices. One such option is a professional Tarot card reading. As with any specialized skill, the quality of the reading depends on the reader’s professionalism, insight, and intuitive ability. But it’s also about energy and mindset at the time. Laser sharp focus on the part of the reader, a receptive recipient, and extensive experience come into play. The mere fact that a person is willing to consider alternative sage advice options is a step in the right direction.

A degree of skepticism is healthy; it keeps the tarot card reader on their toes and prevents complacency from creeping into the reading. It’s imperative that in any two-way or multiway communication (tarot readings invoke the unseen elements in the form of energy transmissions), absolute focus is maintained. The feedback can take many forms, from interpersonal relationships to career growth prospects and self-realization et al. Tarot cards can present preordained messages when read correctly. These cards can portend the future based on present realities. Importantly, tarot cards are excellent resources for better understanding the present.

Nuanced Understanding is Needed

Effective communication vis-a-vis sage advice requires a nuanced understanding of verbal and non-verbal cues. Take, for example, traditional counseling or therapy sessions. The professional relies heavily on an established set of psychological theories and practices in these situations. It goes without saying. This structured approach guarantees a standardized level of care and advice. But, alternative communication channels are also at play, notably the aforementioned tarot card readings. These are heavily reliant on unconventional methodology. The communication dynamic is fluid. It’s often driven by the intuitive abilities of the tarot card reader and the receptiveness of the person receiving the message.

Of course, there is always the potential for bias, and this is an important caveat. Traditionally, biases are mitigated through professional training and an ethical framework. However, in alternative settings, there is the potential for personal biases from the recipient’s advice. Therefore, the recipient should adopt a discerning approach, critically evaluate the advice, and decide whether it is meaningful or not. Many factors can impact the incoming message, notably the psychological state of the recipient. Other factors include emotions, stress, preconceived notions, and the like. Overall, an environment conducive to messaging must exist. The relational dynamics between the person giving the advice and the recipient are sacrosanct.

There’s also the issue of feedback in communications. This is one of the most important elements of the equation. Formalized mechanisms are in place for traditional counseling sessions. For non-traditional methods – alternative systems – the feedback is informal but equally important. The tarot card reader gauges the recipient’s responses to verbal and non-verbal cues. This information loop guides the advisor, allows the advice to be tailored to the recipient, and presents a more effective messaging system. Below is a table comparing traditional and alternative forms of advice:

Aspect Traditional Sage Advice Alternative Sage Advice
Credentials Licensed professionals (counselors, therapists) Experienced practitioners (tarot readers, life coaches)
Communication Style Structured, theory-based Intuitive, flexible
Bias Mitigation Professional training, ethical guidelines Personal discernment
Emotional State of Recipient Considered through formal assessments Considered through intuitive assessment
Feedback Mechanisms Formalized feedback processes Informal, dynamic feedback
Setting Clinical, formal environments Informal, varied environments
Focus Psychological well-being Holistic, including spiritual and emotional


Clearly, the effectiveness of sage advice—irrespective of the source—is reliant upon the quality of the communication between the adviser and recipient. Understanding these nuances improves interactions between parties, leading to empowered decision-making, personally and professionally.