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The most effective method to pick and get ready for a SAFe® affirmation course


Is it true or not that you are investigating SAFe agilist course and pondering which one is appropriate for you?

SAFe has in practically no time become quite possibly the latest turns of events and conveyance systems for scaling light-footed in the association. From a singular angle and as a colleague, putting your time and exertion in becoming SAFe affirmed will prepare for progress.

Yet, it can’t be clear to pick a course that adjusts impeccably with your job. Through this blog, I might want to answer a couple of the inquiries that you might have – what is dexterity, where to begin, which courses to pick, how to get ready for classes, are there any books or articles that you can peruse, and how might you capitalize on the preparation?

Which SAFe confirmation would it be a good idea for me to pick?

How to get ready for a SAFe class?

How to get ready for the certification test?

You’re following stage after getting guaranteed

The vocation diagram of a guaranteed Agilist

Which SAFe® affirmation is great for you?

Your initial step is to comprehend what every one of the courses offers to settle on an educated decision.

SAI offers 13 SAFe® confirmations, which incorporates structure-based courses and Role-based courses:

Structure-based courses:

Driving SAFe® 5.1 (SA)

Carrying out SAFe® 5.1 (SPC)

Job-based courses:

SAFe® 5.1 for Teams (SP)

SAFe® 5.1 Scrum Master (SSM)

SAFe® 5.1 Advanced Scrum Master (SASM)

SAFe® 5.1 Release Train Engineer (RTE)

SAFe® 5.1 Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM)

SAFe® 5.1 DevOps (SDP)

SAFe® 5.1 for Government (SGP)

SAFe® 5.1 for Architects (ARCH)

SAFe® 5.1 Agile Software Engineering (ASE)

Deft Product Management – (APM)

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)

Structure-based certificates:

Driving SAFe® (SA) Certification – This 2-day course is an amazing beginning stage assuming you are new to SAFe. It covers the Scaled Agile Framework’s standards and practices, leading a Lean-Agile change, and how to embrace a Lean-Agile attitude. This affirmation is additionally great on the off chance that you are:

CSM or Agile ensured.

A forerunner in the association.

Getting ready to be a piece of the change group.

Executing SAFe® (SPC) Certification – This is a four-day course where you will figure out how to mentor programs, sendoff Agile Release Trains, fabricate a nonstop conveyance pipeline, embrace DevOps culture, and enable a Lean Portfolio. Driving SAFe makes up the initial two days of the course, which will give you the premise of SAFe to show Leaders, and the last two days center around how to execute SAFe in your undertaking effectively.

During this course, you will figure out how to lead an advanced change as a Lean-Agile pioneer at an endeavor level by utilizing the practices and standards of the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) and the five center abilities of the Lean Enterprise. Turning into a Certified SAFe® 4 Program Consultant (SPC), and turning into a change specialist, will empower you to mentor and guide the undertaking to prevail in a troublesome commercial center and engage you to carry out a Lean-Agile SAFe change at zeolearn.com.


Job-based confirmations:

SAFe® Practitioner (SP) Certification – If you are a piece of an ART in a SAFe venture, the SP certificate will give you the ability to play out your job effectively. During this 2-day course, you will acquire an inside and out comprehension of ARTs, figure out how to compose client stories, and plan and execute cycles.

SAFe® Scrum Master (SSM) – During this two-day accreditation course, you will comprehend being a Scrum Master in a SAFe climate. The course investigates the job of a Scrum Master at a venture level and sets you up to arrange and execute Program Increments (Releases). You will likewise figure out how to assemble high-performing agile groups by turning into a Servant Leader and Coach. SAFe SSM affirmation is great for new and existing Scrum Masters who need to get their part in a SAFe undertaking.

SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) – This is a high-level affirmation that gets ready existing Scrum Masters to take on a position of authority in an Agile group or undertaking in a SAFe climate. This two-day course acquaints Scrum Masters with adaptable designing, DevOps rehearses, and the use of Kanban to work with the progression of significant worth.

SAFe® Release Train Engineer (RTE) – By turning into an ensured RTE, you will direct, coordinate, sort out, and adjust every one of the groups to an Agile Release Train, take an interest in pre and post-PI gatherings, and draw up PI goals. This 3-day course is great for new and existing Program Managers, Release Train Engineers, Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, PMOs, and SPCs. You will get the job and obligations of an RTE in the SAFe venture and investigate the abilities expected to work with and empower start to finish esteem conveyance through Agile Release Trains (ARTs) figure out how to fabricate a high-performing ART through Servant initiative and instructing.

SAFe® Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM) – A two-day affirmation for Product Managers, Business Owners, Product Owners, and Business Analysts where you will see how to relate your job to a Lean-Agile attitude. By turning into an affirmed SAFe POPM, you will want to send off ARTs, plan PIs, and convey constant incentives for your association.

SAFe® DevOps (SDP) – This course will construct a comprehension of the full progression of significant worth from Continuous Exploration to Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Release on Demand. You will investigate SAFe’s CALMR (Culture, Automation, Lean, Measure, and Recover) way to deal with DevOps, which makes a culture of shared liability regarding the full range of Solution conveyance. This two-day course gives an extensive outline to understanding the DevOps capabilities expected to speed up the chance to advertise by further developing worth move through the Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

SAFe® for Government (SGP) – During this two-day course, you will become familiar with the standards and practices of the Scaled Agile Framework®, how to execute and deliver esteem through Agile Release Trains, and leading a Lean-Agile change of a program inside an administration office and will figure out how explicit initiative practices can drive effective hierarchical change, even in government. You’ll likewise get commonsense guidance on building high-performing, multi-seller Agile groups and projects, overseeing innovation interests in the Lean stream, getting arrangements with Agile contracting, sending off the program, and arranging and conveying esteem utilizing SAFe.

SAFe® for Architects (ARCH) – This course is for senior specialized givers who need to get the job of System, Solution, and Enterprise Architects in Lean-Agile endeavors. The heading is likewise fitting for people craving a more top to bottom view into how engineering empowers ceaseless worth stream and how designers take part in and add to a Lean-Agile venture. During this three-day course, you will investigate the jobs, obligations, and outlook of Agile Architects and like how to adjust the design to business worth and drive persistent stream to enormous frameworks of frameworks while supporting SAFe program execution.

SAFe® Agile Software Engineering (ASE) – During this three-day studio, you will get familiar with the standards and practices that make up the Agile Software Engineering discipline. You will learn demonstrated techniques to detail, model, and plan, execute, check, and approve stories in a SAFe Continuous Delivery Pipeline. You will likewise know the practices that incorporate quality into code (deliberation, epitome, purposeful programming) and plans (SOLID, Design designs). You will even see how Software Engineering squeezes into the more extensive arrangement setting and its part in teaming up on deliberate design and DevOps.

Lithe Product Management (APM) – This course will research the devices and exercises to utilize constant investigation, plan, assemble, and deal with your items all through their item lifecycle. The Agile Product and Solution Management course is an intelligent, three-day course that gives item directors the item outlook, abilities, and devices to make fruitful items utilizing light-footed methods.

Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) – In this course, you will lay out the portfolio stream with the Portfolio Kanban and focus on the most extreme monetary advantage endeavors. The course likewise gives experiences on the best way to assemble Value Stream Budgets and measure Lean portfolio execution. In this three-day course, one will acquire the commonsense instruments and methods important to carry out the Lean Portfolio Management elements of Strategy and Investment Funding, Agile Portfolio Operations, and Lean Governance.

How to plan for the SAFe affirmation test?

SAI puts extraordinary significance on every understudy’s capacity to satisfy their job in a SAFe climate effectively and has planned the affirmation test as needs are. The test will test you on your hypothetical and functional information and get the ideas during preparing and your experience. You should get ready for the SAFe affirmation test thoroughly and apply Lean-Agile standards to genuine situations to acquire a more profound agreement.

Make sure to allude to the higher perspective for all points and study the Scaled Agile Framework exhaustively. You can visit the Scaled Agile site for more data regarding the test.

After your preparation, you will approach the SAFe people group stage to observe pertinent review material, practice tests, and whatever other valuable data that you could have to assist with clearing the test.

A huge highlight recalls while going to a SAFe certificate course is that you want to effectively take an interest during the preparation, clarify pressing issues, and apply the information to your endeavor/job.