Home Business Business connectivity options to support rural businesses

Business connectivity options to support rural businesses


While rural life can be blissful, remote areas often suffer from poor broadband speeds. For businesses, subpar broadband can present a serious threat to productivity and brand integrity. If you operate a business in a remote area, therefore, we’ve put together a quick guide to help you find a connectivity solution that works for you and facilitates continued business success.

What is business connectivity?

Put simply, business connectivity refers to the ways in which you and your colleagues are able to interact with the wider world. These interactions include everything from employee communications with stakeholders to how you transfer and share data across the web. With the internet now a vital resource for virtually all companies in the UK, maintaining strong connectivity should be paramount for business owners.

What types of business connectivity are there for rural businesses?

There are several connectivity options available to UK businesses, including:

ADSL broadband

ADSL represents a standard form of broadband often used by homeowners in big cities. With average speeds of 10-11 Mbps, it is not really suitable for remote locations.

Leased lines

Leased lines are fixed-bandwidth data connections leased to businesses by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These connections are dedicated solely to the businesses that rent them and boast guaranteed upload and download speeds. Leased lines are very resilient and can help businesses avoid unnecessary downtime. If you’re looking for optimal connectivity, it is possible to obtain dedicated fibre to the premises.

Fibre broadband

Fibre connections are faster and more reliable than ADSL solutions. However, they are not available everywhere.

Bonded broadband

Bonded broadband represents one of the more reliable forms of business broadband. It involves paying for two or more internet connections which, when bonded, can multiply the speed of your broadband, and eliminate many connectivity issues.

Why is it important to have the right kind of connectivity?

The reliability of your internet connection can have a significant impact on the integrity and growth potential of your business. Here are just a few reasons to find an internet solution that delivers excellent connectivity all year round:

1. Downtime can cause drive away customers

Internet downtime can mean that customers are unable to reach you for a period of time. If these blackouts happen several times, your brand’s reputation will be damaged, and you may start to lose customers.

2. Good internet can help you stay ahead of competitors

Businesses that embrace new technologies are more likely to stay ahead of the curve and deliver excellent customer experiences. If your internet speeds are slow, you may not be able to keep on top of a changing technological landscape and you may start to miss opportunities for growth.

3. High-quality internet access comes with better cyber security

Investing in high-quality internet access from reliable providers is one of the best ways to boost your cyber security credentials and keep your data safe.

4. Connectivity can boost productivity

Slow internet speeds can demotivate employees and dent productivity. By investing in high-quality connectivity solutions, rural businesses can ensure that productivity remains high, and workers feel motivated to work hard.

5. Excellent connectivity is necessary for keeping up with innovative software

Businesses often require excellent internet speeds to make the most of new software-as-a-service applications and innovative corporate technologies. From customer relationship management software to video-based collaboration tools, businesses need excellent connectivity to ensure they keep up with a changing technological world.

What are the challenges of obtaining decent business connectivity in rural areas?

Put simply, rural areas do not have the same kind of technological infrastructure offered by densely populated cities and towns. Rural communities often do not have access to the same kind of fibre optic broadband products as people in big cities, with businesses often bearing the brunt of this lack of connectivity. Direct and dedicated connections are also more expensive than general broadband options, meaning some smaller businesses are priced out of certain products.

Invest in high-quality internet today.

If you run a rural business and are looking for ways to enhance your operations and draw in new customers, it may be worth investigating your connectivity options. While leased lines, for example, may be pricier than standard broadband options, they offer much more reliable connections and download speeds.