Home United Kingdom Why Tourette’s Syndrome Is Not A Joke

Why Tourette’s Syndrome Is Not A Joke


FOr for many, Tourette’s Syndrome only blurs inappropriate words and phrases that contain blasphemous expressions. Celebrity And even politician We use the word Tourette to relieve tensions in difficult situations and tolerate unjudgmental explosions. Many of us smirked and laughed without much thought about the condition of Tourette’s and its affected people.

But by despising jokes and humor, can we create a climate where stigma and discrimination are tolerated and allowed?

for us Recent research We set out to investigate how people experiencing Tourette’s stigma affect their lives. We used an online survey of 199 British adults with Tourette’s disability, 20 of whom were interviewed in detail.

Participants were likely to inadvertently use jokes about their condition as a weapon against them and remain unprotected in the face of discrimination, causing the syndrome to be taken seriously. Emphasized the method. Many of the participants emphasized that despite their disabilities, they were not considered eligible for flexible work styles. Others have stated that they have never received additional time for exams or extensions of school assignments. One participant looked back on his school days and explained how his parents were summoned to his school.

“they [the teachers] Said: “You optionally take your child out of school, and we keep him in our book, and he can take his exam here, or he Can be taken out. “

Our participants also believed that the media focused on taunting, ridiculing, and oversimplifying the situation. One participant explained:

“Tourette’s is just like the word f ***. It’s not pain, you don’t have to open your brain to get rid of it. It’s just a swearing. And it’s a kind of” You have Tourette’s, I Has Tourette’s, everyone has Tourette’s if they swear. “

Misunderstood state

But the characteristics of the state are actually Chick (Sudden cramps that cause involuntary body movements) and sounds. The severity of tics varies.Some of them may be unobtrusive, while others can be painful and debilitating, making everyday life difficult..

There are medications readily available for people with tourette syndrome to purchase. Prescriptions can be costly, however, an option like BuzzRx which is a prescription discount card can help lessen medical expenses.

Many participants also believed that the ridicule of the condition and the trivialities lead to inadequate medical care.

Many people with Tourette’s disorder also have other conditions. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder When Obsessive-compulsive disorder, May have further impact happiness.. Despite these difficulties, our participants have described Tourette’s Disability as “less disability”, where media depictions and jokes about this condition do not deserve the support that other people with disabilities may receive. Said that it contributed to the recognition. One participant said:


“Of course, they don’t take Tourette seriously, so you can put me aside. They laugh at us, take Mick, and you can say it’s just a joke. That’s Tourette’s. It’s a joke because it’s what they mean. “

Many participants also find that the ridicule and trivialities of the condition lead to inadequate medical care, including inexperienced GPs who could not recognize the main symptoms of the condition, making the referral process unnecessarily long and complicated. I believed in. One interviewee remembered having to go to the doctor several times.

“They didn’t seem to know … they provided me with counseling. I had to say back:” No, I want to meet an expert. Then I went to the Tourette Action website, and they gave me a list of experts. I had to tell the GP exactly who to introduce me to. I had to say it quite a few times. He continued to say he couldn’t make a referral. “

Others argued Lack of professional serviceIncludes inconsistent advice from doctors. This discrepancy may be due to the failure of the National Institute for Health and Care Technology (Nice) to issue guidelines for the treatment of Tourette’s disorder. The GP recommends the most appropriate and up-to-date treatment and care for a particular condition, based on Nice guidelines. The lack of these guidelines may reflect the lack of attention that this condition receives compared to other disorders that are taken more seriously.

The Pandemic He emphasized that it is difficult to get help from children with Tourette’s disorder – the family feels ignored by the NHS.

As Tourette continues to be treated as a joke, the challenges people face in their daily lives continue. It’s time to take Tourette seriously.

Melina Malli is a Senior Research Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University. Rachel Forrester-Jones is the director and professor of health at Western University, Ontario, Canada, and a professor of social policy at the University of Bath and Western University in the United Kingdom.This article first appeared conversation..

Why Tourette’s Syndrome Is Not A Joke

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