Home Business Why is the profession of a programmer popular?

Why is the profession of a programmer popular?


 In the XXI century, we can no longer imagine our lives without the use of “digital assistants”: smartphones, laptops, and more. And while some people like to use “ready-made” applications and programs, others want to create their own. Thus, over the last ten years in Ukraine, there has been a rapid increase in the interest of entrants in IT specialties. What is it connected with? Graduates are attracted by high profits, the opportunity to work remotely, and team building in IT companies. And this area is constantly evolving, which guarantees its demand over the years. A young specialist’s knowledge, skills, and creativity are valued in this field. What is this profession, what are its advantages and disadvantages? How to find out if the future specialty is right for you? Let’s talk about it!

  Who is a programmer?

 A programmer is a specialist who develops an algorithm for a computer program using a unique programming language. Today there are several hundred languages, but the most popular are C ++, Java, PHP, Python, Swift. Is it enough to know just one? A qualified specialist is fluent in at least 2- to four languages. The programmer also develops websites. Many businesses want to hire dating site developers for many companies because it is prestigious to have your website, which is why this profession is becoming even more popular.

 What do programmers do? 

 Are our programmers and IT specialists the same specialty? Not at all, because the common name “IT specialist” unites more than 50 different professions and positions. For example, UX / UI-designer (interface developer), account-manager (technical support specialist), SYSTEM administrator, IT-project manager – these are “IT specialists,” but not programmers.

 And does a programmer mean the same thing as a computer? Also no. A programmer does not necessarily work on a computer. He can write program code even on a piece of paper, and a computer is needed to apply and test the code. Depending on the type of activity, they can be grouped into three conditional categories:

  • Applied programmers.

  We engaged in writing different applications, games, and applications.

  • System programmers. Create operating systems. (example, Android or iOS)
  • Web programmers. Develop sites and programs that support these sites.

 It is worth noting that whatever the specialization, all programmers must systematically improve the following professional knowledge and skills:

  •  write code in one or more languages;
  •  understand algorithms, databases, programming templates;
  •  work different frameworks (software environments) and libraries;
  • nderstand the structure of the site
  •  work with different frameworks (software environments) and libraries and principles of layout; 
  • work with the command line;
  • timely find errors in the code and correct them.

 You want to choose an engineering and technical specialist and successfully learn to follow it almost every day. What changes are taking place in computer science before self-study is one of the priority skills?

Therefore, the ability to self-study – is one of the priorities skills.

Pros and cons of the profession of programmer

It is important to understand that a programmer’s job can be different: in a small agency, in a huge company, as a freelancer, or in your own business project. Wherever you work in the future, you need to realize in advance that each of the options has both advantages and disadvantages.

The most common advantages of the profession are:

  • High wages. Employers of IT companies offer decent wages. Note that the level of income depends on the skills and experience of the specialist.
  • Flexible schedule. A strictly regulated work schedule is not about the programmer’s working day. The main requirement of most companies is not to forget about the deadline (to meet deadlines).
  • Intellectual elite. A programmer is usually an educated and well-developed personality. There is an opinion that this is not even a profession but a lifestyle. This separate “caste” has its own slang, incomprehensible to other topics, its own parties, and interests.
  • Prospects for employment in a foreign corporation. Effective work of a programmer is impossible without constant training and exchange of experience. This gives a great chance to master foreign corporate standards even at the beginning of employment.
  • The profession of the future. Even now, “smart” things are becoming an integral part of everyday life: gadgets are becoming personal helpers. Behind all this is the development of the IT industry, which constantly needs highly qualified specialists.

Possible disadvantages of the profession are:

  • High requirements. No wonder the profession of a programmer is highly paid in any country in the world. High level of logical and critical thinking, mathematical abilities, and analytical intelligence – these qualities are not possessed by all those who want to get into the IT sphere.
  • Long work for the result. It is impossible to write a program from the first time and without errors. This work is very detailed and exhausting, so do not lend patience to specialists in this field.
  • Continuing education. IT is the most dynamic professional field that requires constant self-improvement. Programmers have to re-read “tons” of professional publications and learn new skills.
  • High level of English proficiency. Possessing technical foreign language at the level of free reading of specialized literature will allow “to be on the crest of the wave” and constantly improve skills.

How to become a programmer

  • Studying in a higher education institution

The most obvious way to become a programmer is to go to university. You will gain a general understanding of this specialty, the basics of programming and algorithms. Future IT professionals should choose technical educational institutions.

To study the maximum number of profile disciplines, consider the following areas:


  • mathematics and computer science;
  • information systems and technologies;
  • applied computer science; Software Engineering;
  • informational security.

Each of these specialties has its characteristics. What to choose? To understand this in more detail, see the educational program of a particular specialty. But it is worth noting that the university focuses on theory and practical experience you have to gain on your own.

  • Engage in self-education

If you decide to learn to program independently, start with the simplest: create a game, music program, website, or just work with code.

Many websites, video tutorials, and programs on the Internet help you learn different programming languages ​​and technologies. It is very good to find a specialist (mentor) who will agree to help and coordinate your work in the right direction.

  • Attend courses

 If you do not like the idea of ​​self-study, then pay attention to specialized courses. Their significant advantage is teachers (programmers-practitioners). They will not only explain the theory in plain language but also talk about practical and interesting cases. There are free and paid courses. And in order not to spend money in vain, pay attention to the reviews, curriculum, and prospects for internships or employment.


A programmer is a specialist who has an analytical mind, good memory, and the ability to conduct complex mathematical calculations and objectively assess technologies’ capabilities and their use in each case. To be competitive in the labor market, he will need to constantly develop his knowledge in programming. It is also necessary to have time to monitor all changes in computer technology, which will require curiosity and the ability to work with a large amount of information. The physically inactive work of a programmer requires perseverance, concentration, and the ability to complete long, routine tasks.