Home United Kingdom Why does one radiator get cold when I turn on the heating?

Why does one radiator get cold when I turn on the heating?


After months of inactivity, you are likely to face at least one problem with your radiator.

Here’s what to do if you turn on the heating and one of you is still stone-cold.


Bleeding your radiator can help them run more efficiently and save you moneyCredit: Getty

Why does one radiator get cold when I turn on the heating?

There are several reasons why one radiator gets cold when you turn on the heating.

But before looking at them, it is worth making sure that both valves are on.

If they are working and still not working, the system may be trapped in air or its radiator may have a clogged valve.

This means that hot water cannot reach all areas of the radiator when heating is on.

It is also advisable to make sure that the boiler or heat pump is functioning properly and in the correct settings.

If that doesn’t work, make sure the water pressure is okay.

How can I solve the problem?

According to the manufacturer Viessmann, the way to see if the valve is stuck in the radiator is to remove the rotatable head and reveal the raised pins underneath.

If you can’t press the pin with your finger or see the pin come back, this is most likely a problem.

A Viessmann spokesman said: “You can use pliers and grease to release the pins yourself until you can easily move them in and out.

“However, do not use excessive force as it can damage the pins.”

If the valve appears to be functioning properly, there may be air in the system.

Bleeding the radiator should resolve this issue immediately.

If you have any problems while bleeding the radiator, it is advisable to contact a specialist.

If neither of these gives a solution, make sure the boiler is properly configured and working properly.

For combi boilers, this should be set for both hot water and heating. Do not set in summer mode.

Also, pay attention to the “fault code” that may be displayed.

Follow the user’s instructions or contact the engineer if necessary.

If you are using a heat pump, it is worth making sure that the outdoor unit is not clogged with leaves or other debris.

What temperature should I set the heating to?

Everyone is different, so there are no technically correct or incorrect answers.

However, “room temperature” is defined as “comfortable ambient temperature” and is generally considered to be about 20 ° C.

As for the dial, experts recommend heating the house to at least 18 ° C to stay healthy.

According to the Met Office, this is especially important for people with disabilities, people over the age of 65, and people with health conditions such as heart disease and lung disease.

How do I bleed a radiator?

Bleeding the radiator can improve efficiency, especially after a long turn off during the summer.

This is also in order Save you money To your energy bill.

Thankfully, radiator bleeding is a simple process with a few simple steps.

  1. Turn off the heating and wait until it is cool enough to touch.
  2. Using the radiator key valve Located at the top of the radiator. Turn counterclockwise until you hear a swoosh.
  3. The swooshing sound is the escape of trapped air. Use a cloth or rag to catch the water coming out.
  4. When the shoe stops, retighten the valve.
  5. Turn central heating back on.
  6. Check the pressure by looking at the gauge of the boiler. Be careful not to drop it.
  7. Make sure the radiator is heated properly and the heat is evenly distributed throughout the radiator.

Experts recommend bleeding the radiator once a year.

Cleaning fans will definitely reveal how to reach the nasty “forgotten” areas of radiators that need scrubbing

Why does one radiator get cold when I turn on the heating?

SourceWhy does one radiator get cold when I turn on the heating?