Home Business Why a dental implant wiggles or fails to take root

Why a dental implant wiggles or fails to take root


Many people sooner or later have to undergo dental implants. It is a rather complicated procedure, which requires compliance with a number of rules to increase the chances of a successful implant placement. However, sometimes it happens that the patient feels the implant wiggle. Let’s look at why this happens and what to do about it. To start with, it is important to note that the amount of time that has passed since implantation affects how you perceive it.

For example, if the implant wiggles immediately after implantation it is certainly not a cause for concern. In most cases, this is because the bone is still soft and weak and the misalignment will disappear in time. It can also be due to the fact that the dentist has made a rather wide opening for the implant, but you don’t have to worry, because this will correct itself in time.

If the implant wiggles not immediately after insertion but after a period of time, months or weeks, it is worth consulting a doctor, because it could mean that the implant has not taken root or it could be caused by other problems.

If the implant start wiggle for more than a year after insertion, it is important to determine whether it is the upper part (the crown) or the complete implant and crown construction that is loose. To do this, see a doctor who will assess the situation. If the problem is just the crown, he or she will quickly fix it.

Why can the implant fail to take root?

There are quite a few factors for this. Some of them depend on the patient, others on the doctor. For example, the doctor determines the right choice of an implant, the right diagnosis and treatment plan, sterilization as well as the technique of placing the implant. Non-observance of any of the procedures can result in rejection of the implant, so it is recommended to choose the doctor who will carry out such procedures carefully.

As for factors that depend on the patient, it is usually about certain restrictions. For example, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, engaging in vigorous sports or physical exercise, and going to a sauna or spa.

How do I know that my implant is OK and has taken root?

In general if after 2-4 weeks nothing will bother you then it is very likely that you are doing fine since it takes 2-4 weeks to engraft. After that, it is best to avoid disturbing the implant for another 6 months to prevent it from accidentally breaking or weakening the bone tissue that surrounds it.