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Maureen Callahan: The horrifying truth Biden refuses to tell you after the New Orleans and Las Vegas attacks

Maureen Callahan: The horrifying truth Biden refuses to tell you after the New Orleans and Las Vegas attacks

The content criticizes the Biden administration for its handling of recent terrorist attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, asserting that these incidents stem from an anti-American sentiment perpetuated by progressive ideology. The author claims both attackers exhibited Islamic extremist motivations, highlighting connections between them and suggesting failures in national security. They argue Biden’s response was lackadaisical and overly focused on emotional rhetoric rather than addressing the threat seriously. The author contends this indicates a broader weakness in American leadership, alleging that progressive views undermine national security and contribute to a growing threat of terrorism on American soil.

Terrorism is alive and thriving on American soil.

The Biden administration and the radical left have the blood of the American people in their veins.

Don’t get me wrong. The horrifying New Year’s attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas are a direct result of the anti-Americanism espoused by progressives, embraced on Ivy League campuses, and enshrined as evidence of a noble spirit.

These attacks have all the hallmarks of Islamic extremism, but you won’t hear our leaders say so. In Joe Biden’s America, emotions come first. We cannot risk hurting anyone, even if we are a group that wants the West to die.

Despite his brand, our totally incompetent and disgraceful president has failed to treat these two heinous attacks with the appropriate urgency or gravity.

Instead of immediately returning to the White House for a Situation Room briefing, Biden stayed at Camp David. God forbid his latest vacation should be ruined.

Biden waited until Wednesday night to address the nation, but it appears he was unable to take an afternoon nap. Mr. Biden had slurred speech, seemed to lose his way while speaking and could barely keep his eyes open.

He wasn’t talking about revenge or America’s military power, but rather about mundane “grief” and “healing”, the usual preoccupations of a narcissistic president obsessed with grief. Really, it’s a habit of his.

These attacks have all the hallmarks of Islamic extremism, but you cannot hear our leaders say so. In Joe Biden’s America, emotions come first. (Photo: Biden speaking about the attack from the White House on January 2nd).

Don’t get me wrong. The two horrific New Year’s attacks in New Orleans (pictured) and Las Vegas are a direct result of the anti-Americanism espoused by progressives, embraced on Ivy League campuses, and enshrined as evidence of a high spirit. is.

We are all desperately trying to get through these last two weeks.

As for the motive: The FBI suspects the New Orleans massacre — in which a gunman driving a truck mowed down a crowd in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day — was somehow connected to the Las Vegas car bombing outside the Trump Hotel and Casino. We are still investigating whether this is the case. Just a few hours later.

Both assailants served in the US Army on the same base and used the same rental platform to carry out their attacks.

Even if no connection is found, the similarities are striking. New Orleans and Las Vegas are two American cities known for one thing: hedonism. These are places of celebration, sex, booze, and abandonment, all the things that anti-Western fundamentalism hates, punishes, destroys, and seeks to obliterate.

Both attackers conducted New Year’s Day attacks with a sense of optimism, positive momentum, and modernity.

New Orleans attacker Shamsuddin Jabbar was identified by his family as a “radicalized Muslim.” We know that Islamic fundamentalists yearn for a simpler time, say 900 BC.

The fact that Jabbar was born and raised in Texas is even more alarming, proof that this murderous ideology can tempt free First World minds.

An ISIS flag was reportedly found in Jabbar’s truck, and possible improvised explosive devices, the jihadists’ favorite weapon, were reportedly found planted around the city’s French Quarter. Jabbar also reportedly posted a video online that he said was inspired by ISIS.

New Orleans attacker Shamsud Din Jabbar (pictured) was identified by his family as a “radicalized Muslim.” We know that Islamic fundamentalists yearn for a simpler time, say 900 BC.

survivor Jimmy Cothran told NBC News.

“One of the men who died had a tire mark on his back and when someone flipped him over, he had a tire mark on his stomach and was obviously crushed,” Cothran said. . “The little girl I saw dancing as I was walking down the street was as flat as a pillow.”

At least 14 people were killed and dozens more injured.

Notably, Mr. Jabbar’s attack mirrors an incident in Germany two weeks ago. In the incident, a car driven by a Saudi-born doctor plowed into shoppers at a shopping mall, killing at least five people, including a 9-year-old, and injuring hundreds. Christmas market.

Christmas. A man of Middle Eastern descent. Common jihadi terrorist tactics were deployed. But even German officials are trying to avoid this potential motive.

Western democracies can no longer afford such civility.

After the attack in Germany, we should have been on high alert. But laxity is rampant in Biden’s America. Look at our wide open borders.

Las Vegas bomber Alan Libersberger left behind unmistakable anti-American cues, including his Elon Musk Cybertruck and the Trump Hotel.

Libersberger shot himself in the head before the Cybertruck exploded. This is a tactic used by Hezbollah in Beirut in 1983, and appears to be intended to evoke the suicide bombings that have come to symbolize Islamic terrorism.

Las Vegas bomber Alan Libersberger (pictured) left unmistakable anti-American clues behind, including his Elon Musk Cybertruck and the Trump Hotel.

Libersberger shot himself in the head before the Cybertruck exploded (pictured). This appears to be intended to evoke the idea of ​​suicide bombings, a tactic that symbolizes Islamic terrorism.

President-elect Trump understands that.

“Pure evil,” he said.

Republican leaders echoed his strong language. House Speaker Mike Johnson used the same term, and Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy flatly called both attackers “terrorists” (many Democrats don’t use that keyword) and said, “We will look into their support.” There must be,” he said. network’.

Yes, it is, and it is.

How a middle-aged, unemployed man like Jabbar was able to purchase or obtain bomb-making materials without being notified by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, or other agencies is a question that this administration is unable to answer. It’s a big failure.

So is the left’s stubborn insistence on equating the good with the bad and continually apologizing to America for humiliating this great country as the worst example of racism and colonialism.

Again, for those still wondering why Trump won, here’s why.

The warped and deeply distorted worldview promoted by President Biden, his shadow government, and lunatics like Congressman Ilhan Omar, who once equated the United States and Israel with the Taliban, has been squarely rejected by American voters. Rejected.

Hours after this week’s completely preventable act, hundreds of protesters gathered in Times Square, chanting “Intifada revolution” and “Gaza is our pride.”

The warped and deeply distorted worldview promoted by President Biden has been flatly rejected by American voters. (Photo: Libersberger’s military ID recovered from the wreckage)

The left’s stubborn insistence on equating the good with the bad, always apologizing for America, and humiliating this great country is a failure of this administration. (Photo: Aftermath of the Las Vegas attack on New Year’s Day)

Biden, the progressive left, the liberal media, and the Ivy League are responsible for nurturing, nourishing, and promoting these anti-democratic, anti-Western ideals in modern America. For making such moral obscenity seem chic, especially to the younger generation.

This is a rapidly growing cancer in American politics, and President Trump’s top priority must be to cut it out and kill it.

As former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld famously said, “Weakness is provocation.” And thanks to a weakened president, all America now projects to the world is weakness.

Russia invades Ukraine. Hamas has attacked Israel and is still holding hostages, but Biden has said anti-Israel agitators “have a point” while tying Netanyahu’s hands behind his back.

Thanks to us, Iran has plenty of money. China is an immediate threat. Syria is about to become an Islamic caliphate. The Afghan Taliban have banned women from speaking in public.

The world has become a more dangerous place, and America remains far too vulnerable thanks to Joe Biden and his supporters.

Compare Biden’s sad and weak speech after these horrific attacks: “Our country grieves with you.” We are with you as you grieve and you heal. ” – for his rhetoric about Trump and his supporters in 2023:

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republican Party represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our country…MAGA forces are determined to set this country back.”

The enemy is in the wrong, Joe.

He also said that the greatest terrorist threat to the United States is not Islamic terrorism but “white supremacy.”

It would be laughable if it weren’t so predictable, reflexively stupid, and existentially dangerous.

No: The greatest threat to our homeland is a cognitively impaired president who collapses in the line of duty, both literally and figuratively.

At a news conference Thursday afternoon, Biden once again displayed the temerity to make multiple jokes while referring to these attacks.

“I’m sure you’re clapping because you’re finally here,” he said, as his beloved White House press corps laughed.

That’s our media, still obsessed with Joe Biden.

Inauguration day can’t come soon enough.

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