Home United Kingdom Lingam Massage: Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Appointment

Lingam Massage: Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Appointment


In general, there are different modalities of erotic massages. While some of these modalities are for everyone, others are specifically focused on males or females. Lingam massage is one of the massage modalities meant for only males. If you are interested in learning more about lingam massage, this article has everything you need.

What is a lingam massage?

Let’s get started by explaining what a lingam massage means. The word “lingam” was taken from a Sanskrit term that means “penis”. Therefore, a lingam massage is a form of tantric practice for stimulating the penis and other nearby body parts. During the massage, the man will experience an intense build-up of sexual energy that can cumulate to an unrivalled sexual feeling.

It should be noted that this massage is otherwise known as penis massage. Typically, a lingam massage involves the following body parts:

  • Penis
  • Perineum (the body part between the scrotum and anus)
  • Testicles
  • Prostate

What is the goal of a lingam massage?

Considering its erotic nature, it is easy for anyone to assume that a lingam massage is all about achieving orgasm. However, this couldn’t have been further from the truth. This is because the goal of a lingam massage is to encounter holistic pleasure spiritually and sexually.

As a consequence of this, a man can receive a lingam massage successfully without reaching orgasm. So, when you are receiving a penis massage, you should not put yourself under the pressure of reaching orgasm.

What are the benefits of a lingam massage?

If you are going for a lingam massage in London, you may gain some of these benefits:

  • Alleviation of stress and tension

Today, everyone is struggling to make ends meet. Unfortunately, this forces us to go through a plethora of stressful activities. As a result of this, we build up stress and tension for an extended period. When left unattended for a long period, tension and stress can affect the quality of our lives.

Luckily, a lingam massage can come in handy to deal with stress and tension. This massage technique will help you to relax and forget about your troubles. Over time, you will relieve stress and tension built up in your body.

  • Improvement of blood circulation

Lingam massage involves careful caresses of the body parts around the penis. As this happens, the blood circulation around the area will become better. So, if you think you are suffering from poor blood circulation, don’t shy away from receiving a lingam massage.

  • Enhancement of sex life

Are you suffering from premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or other sex-related issues? Then, a lingam massage can be the treatment you need. Although erectile dysfunction has some psychological causes, poor flow of blood to the penis can make it difficult for you to initiate and maintain an erection. 

But as the penis and its surrounding areas are stroked and stimulated during a lingam massage, you can rest assured that more blood will flow to the areas. As a result, you should not be surprised if a penis massage helps you to cure erectile dysfunction.

In addition, this type of massage can curb premature ejaculation as it will assist you to deal with intense penile stimulation for a long time. In other words, your penis will be touched so many times that your stamina for erotic touch will increase significantly. So, if you are looking for a way to improve your sex life, a lingam massage may be what you need.

If you are no longer dealing with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, you will be more confident about your sex life. This may translate to better performance on bed.

  • Dealing with insomnia

In many situations, insomnia is caused by fears, stress, and anxiety. Over time, insomnia may lead to several other health issues. Fortunately, you can stop insomnia from affecting the quality of your life by receiving a lingam massage. 

When receiving a lingam massage, you will lie on the massage table and let the massage therapist do their work. This action will assist you to clear your mind. You will experience immense rest, serenity, and peace. All these factors will make you become less anxious and combat stress and fears. Therefore, it is not strange that a lingam massage can be used for dealing with insomnia.

How can you give a lingam massage?

Perhaps you are interested in giving your partner a lingam massage. These are the vital things you need to do:

  • Set the perfect ambience for it

Get started by creating a great ambience for the massage. This means that you have to light some scented candles and play slow and romantic songs in the background. You also need to dim the lights so that it makes both the massage receiver and giver relax.

  • Pour a massage oil on your hands

The next step is to allow your partner to lie down and pour some massage oil on your hands. Gently rub the hands together to warm up the oil.

  • Massage your partner

Now, it is time to start massaging your partner. Move your hands around the stomach, legs, nipples, thighs, and chest. These strokes are meant to prepare your partner for the stimulation of the genitals. As you do this, make sure your breath syncs with your partner’s.

Afterwards, move to the penis and caress it slowly and gently. Massage the head of the penis before moving to other areas.

Don’t forget to touch the scrotum, perineum, and prostate as you perform a lingam massage. Remember that the strokes must not be too intense as this will elicit pain.

  • End the massage

Vary the intensity of the massage on the penis and surrounding areas. Finally, allow your partner to ejaculate as the massage comes to an end.

Then, both of you can relax for some seconds before cleaning up.

With the information above, you now have a good understanding of what a lingam massage is. Besides, we have explained what you need to do to give your partner a penis massage.