Home Business How to secure your site on a budget

How to secure your site on a budget


Creating a new website can be expensive, so it’s natural to want to save money to secure it. Fortunately, going cheap doesn’t have to mean cutting corners. Here are three tips for securing your website on the cheap.

1.  Install a cheap SSL certificate

There are some things in life you shouldn’t scrimp on ⁠— fortunately, SSL certificates aren’t one of them. All SSL certificates on the market today have the same encryption strength (no matter what their advertisements might tell you), so you can bring SSL encryption to your site for a very low price without sacrificing quality. But that doesn’t mean going with just any cheap SSL store without doing research first. Before purchasing anything, make sure that the store is partnered with a trusted Certificate Authority and read reviews to get a feeling for people’s experiences and the store’s level of professionalism.

2.  Elevate your password game

This might seem like an all-too simple recommendation, but a strong password can go a long way to keep your site (and all your online accounts) secure. Unfortunately, it’s likely because of the relative simplicity of this task that so many people overlook making their passwords strong. Surely PASSWORD123 can’t be that bad? If you want to make sure your website remains unhacked, then yes. Yes, it can.

Make sure all your passwords (not just your website admin password) are at least 10 characters long, use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, and don’t contain any easily guessed words or phrases. And never reuse passwords. It can be hard to come with and remember such passwords, so your best bet is to use a password generator and manager. You’ll be glad you did in the long run.

3.  Use free plugins and site scanners

If you use a CMS like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, you have a world of free and cheap plugins at your disposal. From firewalls and antiviruses to spam filters, you’re sure to find everything you need for securing your site. Just be sure to check if the plugins are regularly updated before installing them. Out-of-date plugins can actually make your site more vulnerable to security breaches. There are also numerous free site scanners out there to scan your site for things like viruses, website errors, and general website vulnerabilities.


Website security can seem like a daunting and expensive prospect, but it really isn’t. Like most things, if you take the time to research how to properly secure your site without spending too much money, you’ll find that there are numerous options out there for keeping costs low.