Home Lifestyle How to Remove Eyelash Extensions at Home Safely in 2022

How to Remove Eyelash Extensions at Home Safely in 2022


Are you one of those ladies who love wearing eyelash extensions? They make your eyes look so pretty and Doll-like. But what do you do when it’s time to take them off? Do you go back to the salon and spend more money, or do you try to remove them at home?

If you are like most women, you probably love the look of eyelash extensions. They make your eyes look bigger and more beautiful. However, at some point, you will want to remove them. Maybe you are going on vacation and need to take them off before swimming. Or maybe they are starting to look a bit too natural for your taste. Whatever the reason, removing eyelash extensions can be a bit tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks for removing eyelash extensions at home safely and effectively!

Use oil

Oil is the best way to remove eyelash extensions at home. It’s cheap, easy, and doesn’t harm your eyes or lashes in any way. Find an oil that works well with your skin type (coconut oil is a good choice). Apply it gently onto each eyelid before bedtime every night for one week until all glue residue has been removed completely! Be careful not to get too much on your face as this could cause blemishes or other problems if left unchecked over time.

 Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a good choice because it is known to be gentle on the skin and can help remove stubborn makeup residue. However, any oil will work as long as it is safe for your eyes!

Olive oil

Olive oil is another option that works well but may not be as gentle on sensitive skin. Use a cotton ball dipped in warm water to remove any residue left behind after applying the oil each night before sleep and then wash off in the morning with cool soapy water followed by rinsing under a cold running tap for one minute or less depending on how much glue residue has been removed completely.

Avoid rubbing your eyes too hard when removing eyelash extensions at home.

Baby oil

Baby oil is another alternative but it’s not as effective as coconut or olive oil. It also can be a bit more expensive. Apply it in the same way as the other oils and remove with a warm water-soaked cotton ball.

Take a steamy shower

If you don’t want to use oil, another way to remove eyelash extensions at home is by taking a steamy shower. The hot water will help loosen the glue and make it easier to remove. Be sure to avoid getting the extensions wet while shampooing your hair as this could also cause them to fall off prematurely.

After removing your false eyelashes, wash them with a mild soap and water solution in order to remove any dirt or makeup residue that may have gotten on there during the removal process. Then let them air dry for about an hour before applying new ones so as not to damage their bonding adhesive by putting it under stress immediately afterward!

You will also need to take off the glue from underneath each false lash strip. The best way of doing this is using an old toothbrush dipped into nail polish remover (which contains acetone). Just don’t get any near your eyes because this could cause irritation if left unchecked over time.

 Layer mascara

If you want to remove eyelash extensions at home then try layering some mascara over them first. This will help prevent any of the adhesives from coming off with your natural lashes when they are being pulled out or removed later on in life by rubbing at night during sleep as so many people do without realizing what’s happening!

You can also use a cotton swab dipped into petroleum jelly and apply it around the edges where there might be more glue residue left over after removing false lashes. The Vaseline acts as an additional barrier between skin surface level where contact occurs most often due to friction caused by eye movements while sleeping which could potentially lead to irritation if nothing else happens first before then (e.g., infection). It may seem counterintuitive to put an oily substance on top of eyelashes but it will help keep them moisturized and in place for a longer period.

If you’re using olive or coconut oil, then just apply a small amount to each cotton ball before placing it over your eyes for about five minutes. You can also use a warm compress if you’d prefer. The goal is to soften the glue so that it’s easier to remove.

Try Using a Professional-Grade Lash Glue Dissolver

Another alternative but it’s not as effective as coconut or olive oil is to use a professional-grade lash glue dissolver. This can be a bit more expensive but it will help make the removal process much easier. Apply it in the same way as the other oils and remove with a warm water-soaked cotton ball.

Apply Steam to remove eyelash extensions.

Getting those expensive lashes removed professionally can be quite expensive and time-consuming. If you do not want to go through the hassle of doing this at a salon, we recommend getting it done with steam instead. Applying steam to your eyelid before peeling off the lashes will make it easier and less painful.

You can pick up a steamer or place boiling water in a pot and set the lid on top (but don’t let the heat escape by keeping it too close to the edge). This process should be completed while seated comfortably with both hands-free (to hold the steam over your lids) for about 10 minutes.

Steam also helps relax any glue that has dried out which makes removal painless. If you are using lash extensions, steam is a helpful process. When you are ready to remove the lashes, hold the steam over each lash until it becomes soft, and then begin to peel them off starting from your nose working towards the outer corner of your eyes.

Don’t Pick or Pull at Your Lash Extensions!

One of the most important things to remember when removing eyelash extensions is not to pick or pull at them. This could damage your natural lashes and also lead to infection if not done correctly. So be patient, take your time and use one of the methods listed above for the best results!

Post-Removal, Be Very Careful With Your Natural Lashes!

After removing your false eyelashes, wash them with a mild soap and water solution in order to remove any dirt or makeup residue that may have gotten on there during the removal process. Then let them air dry for about an hour before applying new ones so as not to damage their bonding adhesive by putting it under stress immediately afterward!

You will also need to take off the glue from underneath each false lash strip. The best way of doing this is using an old toothbrush dipped into nail polish remover (which contains acetone). Just don’t get any near your eyes.

Can Vaseline remove eyelash extensions?

Vaseline will effectively remove eyelash extensions if it is left to soak and set for a period of time. But there are disadvantages and side effects which you may not want to deal with:

– It can be painful when removing the Vaseline off your eyelids and lashes, especially in the eye area because Vaseline does not dissolve easily. The best way to avoid pain is by using Vaseline sparingly (or not at all).

– If you tend to sweat a lot, then this could cause issues too since Vaseline becomes very hard when combined with water or perspiration.

– You might end up staining the eyelid area due to the color of the petroleum jelly; in fact, you should expect some sort of discoloration.

– You may even experience some irritation, redness, or itching if you have sensitive skin around the eye region.

– If you apply Vaseline too close to your eyelashes, there’s a chance that it could cause breakage due to the weight of the jelly pulling on your lashes.

The Vaseline can be removed without too much pain by washing off with soap and water or using oil (like olive oil) which easily dissolves it; then finish by rinsing off with water again. This usually works for most users but do remember that no method is 100% effective; it might take some people longer than others to remove the Vaseline because everyone has different natural abilities.

Can eyelash extension remover damage natural lashes?

Eyelash extension remover does not damage natural lashes.

Eyelash extension remover contains acetone which doesn’t irritate eyes. It is not strong like the solvent in polish. However, if you rub too much acetone on your lash line it can make your eyes dry and irritated. So try to use as little as possible to remove the glue only once or twice before washing with water thoroughly. If you wish to remove all kinds of residue (glue, serum), please use warm water instead of any kind of remover because hot water makes lashes fall out easily during the cleaning process.

When do you need to remove lash extensions?

When the extensions begin to feel heavy, they start moving around and require too much attention – you could feel like one of those people who always have to be checking their hair and makeup. Or when your eyes start feeling irritated or itchy and they begin to water constantly. That tells you to need a break from wearing lash extensions. The lashes can retain oil and dirt so it is best to get them done every two weeks for maximum results.

However, We would recommend trying lash serum that will help grow healthier lashes in between fill-ins.

What is the fastest way to remove eyelash extensions?

The fastest way to remove eyelash extensions is using pure acetone. We all know that one thing is just not like others in this world, so when it comes to eyelash extensions they are the same way. Not only do they differ but there are many different types of eyelash extensions and each type requires a different removal method.

If you have ever had your lashes done at either an upscale or professional salon then chances are you got lash extensions. This particular type of application does take longer than other methods simply because the pros need time to attach them individually onto your real lashes with special glue (medical grade). You can tell if your tiny strip lashes (also known as cluster lashes) didn’t come from a good pro by looking for stray clumps of tiny glued-on pieces.

 What dissolves lash glue?

Lash glue can be dissolved by sodium tetraborate, which is a common ingredient in laundry detergent. Dissolving the wet adhesive will allow for easy removal of false lashes without damage to natural eyelashes or surrounding skin. After removing the lashes, wash your eyes with cool water to remove any residual adhesive and trace amounts of false lash. Avoid using soap as this can irritate your eyes!

Does Micellar remove eyelash glue?

Micellar does not remove eyelash glue.

Micellar removes eyelash glue. The product can be found at popular retailers such as Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens. It is best used by adding a few drops to makeup remover pads or cotton balls before using it to remove waterproof makeup from your face. While this product claims that it will work on a variety of products including waterproof mascara and lip-gloss, it doesn’t fully dissolve lash glue so you needn’t worry about losing your lashes when you use micellar water to clean away your regular makeup each night before going to bed!

Some users have reported positive results while others have been displeased with their experience when attempting to use micellar water as a replacement for lash glue remover.


We hope this post was helpful for you! If it wasn’t, please watch one or more of the many removal tutorials on YouTube before getting started. And as always if your question or concern hasn’t been answered by our answers here then feel free to reach out again – we’re happy that there are people who want better info about eyelash extensions removal because they deserve accurate and reliable information too. Good luck removing it!!