Home Business All you need to know about employer branding

All you need to know about employer branding


It is very important to take care of your employer branding.  Since a lot depends on him.  More about that.

What it is?

Employer branding – all communications that tell the audience what kind of employer you are, what makes you different from other employers and why it is cool to work for you.  The beauty of an employer brand is that even if a person is not currently looking for a job, he will take into account your company as an employer and even recommend the company to friends.  And to help with the creation of such branding will help https://cna-it.com/employer-branding/.

Why do you need an employer brand

The present time is the time of brands.  If a smartphone, then an iPhone, jeans – Levi’s, sneakers – Converse, coffee – Starbucks, and so on – the logic is clear.  The same is with the place of work – everyone chooses the employer he considers the best.  Each company has a number of characteristics that set it apart from others.  This is EVP – Employer Value Proposition.

The employer’s brand determines the quality of a company’s workforce.  Roughly speaking, the more developed your employer brand is, the more competent your employees are.

A strong employer brand has a positive effect on:

* the number and quality of new employees;

* retention of employees through personal identification with the company;

* visibility and positioning in the labor market in general;

* protection from negativity to the company.


You cannot build a strong employer brand without these two dimensions.  If you direct forces only to internal communications, the external brand will develop spontaneously, uncontrollably.  Consequently, the associations will be sketchy, unclear, imprecise.  And if you make promises to an external audience without confirmation of the real internal state of affairs in the company, associations with the employer’s brand will be unequivocally negative.

All you need to know about employer branding

How to develop an employer brand

HR’s of companies are working to create all conditions for effective work and comfort of employees (internal aspect).  But few companies talk about it (external aspect).

  1. Analyze your target audience

 Before you start talking about your brand, research your target audience.  There is no point in broadcasting everything to everyone.  An obvious point that is often overlooked.

Target audience analysis:

1.determine your target audience: students / recent graduates / specialists with experience / professionals;

  1. Make a portrait of a typical representative of the target audience: age, geography, interests, etc .;
  2. Determine what content your audience needs and solves its “pain”;
  3. Determine the site for posting content – where your target audience sits.

Rely on statistics and real-life examples.

  1. Create content

You have learned what content your target audience needs.  Who will create it?

Let your employees write – they have a story to tell!  Stories, personal stories, living stories cling to.

However, this approach requires more attention because the employee experience must be consistent with the employer’s brand promise.

Examples of topics:

* features of the work of departments;

* company values   and corporate culture;

* career stories;

* office and workspace organization;

* industry / company news;

* research results;

* advice and recommendations for self-development;

* employment and career opportunities;

* recruiters’ insights.

  1. Select the communication channels of the employer’s brand

The main condition for choosing communication channels is the target audience.  Place your content where your audience sits.

In addition to site traffic, pay attention to:

* Convenience of creating publications, since the authors will not always be professional layout designers

* The functionality of the site to post different content: photos, videos, hyperlinks, quotes, etc., also receive comments and respond to them.

* Adaptation for mobile devices, because already 67% of all Internet traffic in the world passes through mobile devices;  and this figure will continue to grow.

  1. Record the frequency of publications

The employer’s brand is a long-term goal, and here you can’t do with 1-2 materials.  You should be heard regularly.  Make a media plan with a publication schedule for two to three months.  When publications are regular, the audience gets used to it and will visit more often, and the materials will also be higher in the search results.

  1. Measure results

One of the hardest questions about employer branding because tangible results are visible over a period of at least one year.

Results for published content are measured by:

* coverage – the number of people who saw the material;

* engagement – the number of comments, reposts and likes.

All you need to know about employer branding.jpg

To consciously build and promote an employer brand, first of all, analyze your target audience.  Based on the profile and behavior of the target audience, it is necessary to develop a media plan with relevant content and communication channels.  And before you start publishing your content, be sure to define your success metrics so that after a long time, you can easily evaluate the entire campaign to promote the employer’s brand.  And for help, you can turn to CNA-IT.