Home Business Why Business Text Messaging Improves Client Retention

Why Business Text Messaging Improves Client Retention


Running a business in this day and age is no laughing matter, and despite that, people are starting them up seemingly daily. It’s always a great idea to run your own company, so long as you’re doing it properly – that’s where effective marketing will come into play. Regardless of how good your services or product happens to be, you aren’t going to get anywhere without the right marketing campaign.

This is why business text messaging has become a new way to approach potential clients and past customers. While the era of “cold emailing” clients are still here, it seems as if new-age marketers are swapping out emails for different methods.

Whether it’s social media platforms or text messages, you’ll want to learn how to market your company in more ways than one!

Marketing Gurus Understand Text Message Effectiveness

Some of the most prominent “gurus” online will ask you to sign up for their course through text message, or suggest you leave your phone number if you happen to be interested. Gathering a large list of phone numbers is not only an effective way to approach marketing your business, but it’s a foolproof one as well.

Anybody can send a text message, there’s no need to understand the intricacies that come with most marketing campaigns. If you have phone numbers and they apply to people interested in your product, you’ve already completed half of your marketing journey!

Why Would a Business Send Texts?

Businesses are looked at as massive corporations for the most part, regardless of how big they happen to be. Even if you’re a small company operating out of your garage, people won’t understand that (unless you make it obvious!).

It can be difficult to stand out from the competition, but text messages give you a direct line of communication to anybody that could be interested. Operating a business while you’re on the go is a norm these days, so it only makes sense to interact with customers on a mobile level!

Personal Approach

People feel like you’re personally reaching out whenever you send them a text message, regardless of whether it’s a mass message or not. You are interacting with your customers directly, as opposed to hoping they open up promotional emails – you know that they’re going to see the text message, but whether they act on the promotion is up to them.

Perfecting your mass text message is ideal for any business, as it will draw attention to new products and promotions that you’re looking to push! This is why text messages are a must for client retention.

Potential Mass Promotion

You don’t have to type out individual messages when you’re operating on a scale of this size, especially when there are several services (such as Chalkboard) that can help you with that. You may find that hiring the right copywriter to handle the writing of messages is easier, as they’ll craft copy that appeals to the general public without worry.

When you know that the messages are going to be delivered to thousands of phones, it’s always best that you double-check your copy for any potential problems.

Peace of Mind

You also don’t have to worry about delivery rates or anything else when you’re dealing with business text messaging – as long as you have a dedicated list of active phone numbers, you know that the promotions are going through.

Customers Love a Business That Feels Personal

Whenever a company seems to go out of its way for a customer, you can bet your bottom dollar that you’re going to retain them for a while. The motto “customer is always right” applies here, as keeping them happy is the key to success in any business. If they aren’t happy with the results, why would they come back for more?

Text messaging previous customers is a great way to remind them of deals you’ve got going on, or brand new products being released. Life keeps us busy and there are times where a small text message could be the difference between losing and converting a sale!

How Can I Properly Send Texts as a Business?

Compile Your Number List

You have to compile a list of phone numbers to use before you can send mass text messages, and this is often done by having users verify their accounts with a mobile phone. If you offer a service that requires customers to be from a specific region, this is something you’ll likely do regardless.

There are many ways to get the numbers of your previous and potential customers, so long as they are willingly providing their numbers to you! You cannot fish for numbers or trick people into giving them out.

Check for “Dead Numbers”

Once you have the list, you can check for dead numbers by sending your first promotional text message – you can send a mass one and just delete any of the numbers that seem like they aren’t active.

This is probably the hardest part, as there isn’t a “delivery failed” message for some mobile providers – if you do receive a message back that says “Failed to Send” or anything of that nature, cross out the number.

Use a Dedicated Service

Use a dedicated service like Chalkboard to provide your company with a secondary promotional number, allowing you to interact with customers efficiently. You can check up on their orders, contact them for reviews, or just interact with them any way you feel fit.

Not only that, but you can do all of this without giving away your mobile number. This is fantastic for those of you who enjoy keeping your personal life separate, which is likely the majority of people reading this.

Get More Out of Your Business Today!

With business text messaging you can introduce an additional layer of contact and support for all of your customers. This will give your business more sentimental value and even potentially persuade customers into telling their friends about how wonderful their experience was.

Whenever you can improve upon the customers’ shopping experience, it’s something you should focus on; thankfully, business text messaging makes things simple.