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Vladimir Putin’s car ‘bombed’ in ‘assassination attempt’ over Ukraine invasion, Kremlin insider claims

President Vladimir Putin’s limousine was attacked in a possible assassination attempt amid the escalating war in Ukraine, Kremlin insiders claim.

A source close to the leader said the Russian tyrant’s car had a “huge impact” on the left front wheel, followed by “thick smoke”.


Putin’s car allegedly hit in possible assassination attemptcredit:

Putin’s limousine was transported to safety and the president was unharmed, but multiple arrests were allegedly made by his security forces.

According to the General GVR Telegram channel, some of his bodyguards have reportedly gone missing amid claims that confidential information about the 69-year-old man’s movements was leaked.

Anti-Kremlin channels claim Putin was on his way back to his residence in a decoy convoy over security concerns.

The “backup” convoy consisted of five armored vehicles, the third being Putin.

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It is unclear when the potential assassination attempt took place, and we cannot immediately confirm the claim.

“On the way to the residence, a few kilometers away, the first escort was blocked by an ambulance,” the channel said. [and] The second escort car ran around without stopping [due to the] Sudden obstacles and while avoiding obstacles. “

Inside Putin’s car, it was alleged that “a loud bang was heard from the left front wheel, followed by a large amount of smoke.”

The SVR General claimed that Putin’s car “despite problems with the controls” got out of the attack site and reached a safe residence.

“Later, the corpse of the man who was driving was found. [the] An ambulance that blocked the first car from the convoy.

The channel, which boasts inside information to the Kremlin but has not provided hard evidence for its claims, said details of the supposed attack were “confidential.”

“The head of the president’s bodyguard [service] And several other people have been suspended and detained,” the channel claimed, without naming anyone.

“Only a handful of people on this cortege knew of the president’s movements, all of whom were members of the Presidential Guard.

“Three people went missing after the incident. These were the very first cars in the convoy.

“Their fate is currently unknown. The car they were in was found deserted a few kilometers from the incident.”

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19809828/vladimir-putins-car-attacked-assassination-attempt/ Vladimir Putin’s car ‘bombed’ in ‘assassination attempt’ over Ukraine invasion, Kremlin insider claims

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