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Senior official claims Gavin Williamson said ‘cut his throat’ | Gavin Williamson

Claims of senior civil servants Gavin Williamson Told them to “slit their throats” over what they felt was an ongoing campaign of bullying while he was Secretary of Defense.

of Ministry of Defense Officials said Guardian Williamson made unusual remarks in front of other officials at a meeting and told them to “jump out the window” on another occasion.

Whitehall’s aide, who worked closely with the Cabinet, claimed that Williamson regularly “deliberately insulted and threatened” them.

They informally reported their actions to the Ministry of Defense’s personnel officer and took notes at the same time about the alleged incident, but decided not to lodge a formal complaint with the Cabinet Minister at that time. .

Williamson served as Secretary of Defense from November 2017 to May 2019 when he was fired After a leak from the National Security Council, I was told I was “screaming and furious.”

A senior civil servant who later left the government said the abuse was so severe that a senior military aide who worked in the department later apologized for not calling it out.

Williamson denied bullying officials and said he had a good relationship with them. However, we understand that the Guardian does not deny that he used those specific words.

In a statement he said: No specific allegations have ever come to my attention. ”

The allegation comes after Downing Street said it had “complete trust” in the Cabinet Office minister despite the emergence of allegations of bullying. abusive text messages he sent Former Conservative Party leader Wendy Morton.

Speaking at the Cop27 Summit in Egypt, Rishi Snack “There is now an independent investigation into the complaint and it is the right thing to let that process proceed before making a decision. That is why we welcome the fact that Gavin Williamson has expressed regret and we are now awaiting the outcome of the investigation.”

Despite being aware of Morton’s complaints, the latest allegations call for the government to reappoint Williamson, a close political ally who is seen to have played a key role in his leadership campaign. After making the decision, he poses even more questions to the prime minister about his political decisions.

A text message published over the weekend included an angry protest at not being invited to the Queen’s funeral and the line that “everything has a price”.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said on Monday that Sunak, who had taken a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, refused to dismiss Williamson and said he was making “significant contributions to the government”. claimed.

in the meantime, The Times reported On Monday, lawmakers claimed Williamson threatened her with the possibility of revealing details about her private life when she was chief of staff in 2016. The MP was now a minister, the paper said. Stated.

She told the paper that when she was campaigning on a politically sensitive issue, she called her office and raised something about her personal life. An unnamed ally of Williamson’s said this was not a threat and that he raised the issue in a “pastoral position”.

Grant Shaps says ‘he wasn’t right to send them’ on Gavin Williamson’s abusive texts – video

Business secretary Grant Shaps said the message should not have been sent, telling Sky News: Turns out it must have been sent in a moment of frustration. Generally speaking, it’s much better to write things that you won’t regret later. ”

Williamson was first dismissed as secretary of defense by Theresa May after he was alleged to have leaked details of the National Security Council – something he has always denied. Covid 19 A level fiasco.

Labor and the Liberal Democrats have called on Sunak to sack Williamson, with Keir Sturmer saying: He clearly gathers around the cabinet table people who don’t deserve to be there. ”

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/nov/07/senior-civil-servant-claims-gavin-williamson-told-them-slit-your-throat Senior official claims Gavin Williamson said ‘cut his throat’ | Gavin Williamson

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