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Planning a vacation in Kyiv? We have a list of places to visit – Unique parks and a night at the museum


Kyiv is an ancient city with a majestic history, which stands on the banks of a mighty river.

It is a beautiful, cultural city with spectacular views. Kyiv is considered one of the mysterious cities of Ukrainian tourism.

We with Welcome Ukraine Today have compiled a list of places worth visiting. Places that are recommended not only by local historians, tour guides, locals but also tourists. People who celebrate Kyiv as one of the underestimated capitals of Europe.

During the trip to Kyiv, you can touch the ancient Ukrainian culture with cathedrals, monuments, impressive churches, and there are 950 of them. It’s an underground catacombs.

Every street is full of nostalgia, romance, and comfort. Street cafes, family restaurants, small shops, and many beautiful streets. In this list, only Andrew’s Descent, Kontraktova Square, Independence Square, and Khreshchatyk are worth it.

As for museums, we consider it appropriate to mention the museum of the famous writer and physician Mikhail Bulgakov. His house is located on the legendary St. Andrew’s Descent, where he lived with his family from 1906 to 1919. Excursions are still held in the museum. These are not boring words of a guide, a picture, or a picture. The tour starts from the top of the street, in the evening and along the way you will learn many interesting facts about the street. Interactive actions at the entrance, Bulgakov’s house, his room, desktop, personal belongings, authentic items. The entrance to the room is through a closet, a medical office, where he wrote a book like The White Guard, after which this house became a national monument in this legendary novel. It will be the most unique “museum night” rich in history and science.

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Mikhail Bulgakov museum in Kyiv

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St Andrew’s Church, Kyiv

The museum complex of the history of the Second World War cannot be missed from the historical places of Kyiv. It is located on the hills near the Dnieper. Here are photos of war heroes and their wives and mothers who never saw their relatives again. More than 300,000 items, personal belongings, documents, diaries, and weapons of that time. In addition to the museum, the complex has a monument to the Motherland, there are 18 different galleries that describe the terrible history of the war.

You can relax from the noisy Kyiv in Kyiv itself. There are numerous parks with forests and lakes. One of the most beautiful and historic places of this format is Feofania Park. Located on the southern outskirts of the city. You can take your time, walk along the alleys and enjoy nature, unique plants, and lakes. Relax body and soul.

For those nature lovers who travel to Kyiv, you just need to see the botanical garden named after the famous botanist Mykola Hryshko. This is not just a park, but a beautiful reserve that has the beauty of flora, fauna, and rare plants from around the world all year round. Visit greenhouses with unique exotic plants, flowers that give tenderness and positivity.

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The botanical garden in Kyiv

Everyone knows that the Ukrainian song ranks first in melody. Tourism in Kyiv is often for those who love Ukrainian music, its culture, and its customs.

An excursion and a concert at the National Opera of Ukraine will help to understand these issues. View the play in the amphitheater, which opened in 1901, walk through the beautiful corridors of the neo-renaissance era, one of the most prestigious ballet and opera centers in Europe.

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National Opera of Ukraine

If you have enough time, you can walk around the main places in the center of Kyiv. The so-called central circle of tourist Kyiv.

Let’s start with Khreshchatyk – the main street of Kyiv. Every year there is a “Run under the chestnuts”. This is a charity event when everyone makes a contribution, about 10 euros, and runs 5 km through the streets of the capital. It enriches the spirit of people in sports, a team event, which means that it is a team spirit. And most importantly – the money paid by the participants goes to charity, to help children with heart defects.

Khreshchatyk has been famous for centuries for chestnuts and constant movement. On weekends, the street becomes pedestrian, and walking you can always hear not only the Ukrainian language but also many other languages because the street is really a tourist center of Kyiv.

From Khreshchatyk we smoothly move to the Heart of the capital and all of Ukraine – this is Independence Square. All roads lead to the Maidan and this is a fact.

Since 2014, this place has become very important for every Ukrainian. After the “Revolution of Dignity”, the whole world learned about Euromaidan. This is the moment when the strength of spirit and love for the country marked the trace in the memory.

From the Maidan, you can walk to the Arch of Friendship of Peoples or go up to the Kyiv Academic Puppet Theater and Water Museum. On the other side are the Lobanovsky Dynamo Stadium and Mariinsky Park. All those places where appointments are made for beautiful Ukrainian women and Ukrainian sports events are held.

From the Arch, there is a glass bridge on the other side of the road, to Volodymyr Hill. This is a legendary park and the place where Prince Volodymyr the Great baptized Kyiv Rus.

From the park Volodymyr Hill you can go down the funicular to the historic Hem, visit the cafe, and there are many of them.

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Volodymyr Hill

There is a lot to be said about Ukrainian cuisine. It is very tasty, it is with the soul and very hospitable.

Welcome Ukraine Today is a website includes information for foreign tourists (crossing the border, insurance policy, PCR test and self-isolation), rules of entry to Ukraine, there you can also buy health insurance for visiting Ukraine

Ukrainian tourism is rich in flora, fauna, spectacular species, and its own, unique and powerful history. There is something interesting, tasty, and favorite for everyone.

We advise you to prepare and learn about all the best places to travel, get advice and get insurance. Everything is convenient if it is in one resource and if it is a question of the future trip.