Home United Kingdom How to Cut The Power to The Thermostat?

How to Cut The Power to The Thermostat?


Your thermostat’s power source isn’t the only thing that’s hard to turn off. You’re not even sure whether turning off the thermostat is required for what you want to accomplish. When working on the HVAC system or suspecting a problem, it’s a good idea to shut off the power to the thermostat. There are many methods to do this. Depending on your HVAC setup and how it was installed, you’ll have to decide how and where to switch off the thermostat’s electricity.

When it comes to turning off your thermostat, you have a few options. Let’s check out a few of them. The alternatives are not listed in any particular order, and what works best for one individual may not work for another.

With a single circuit breaker, shut off the whole HVAC system

Most homes’ HVAC systems share a single circuit breaker with all other relevant electrical devices. Switch off the Smart thermostat power supply if this is the case. Those circuit breakers labelled “HVAC” (or “Cooling” or “Heating”) have just been turned off. There will be no electricity to the heating and air-conditioning system. Essentially, this indicates that the thermostat’s power is automatically shut off.

However, if the breakers on the breaker panel aren’t indicated, you may have an issue. By glancing at the meeting, you won’t know which breaker is in charge of the heating and cooling system unless you know which appliances are served by which breaker. Once all of your HVAC appliances are running, the only way to tell which breaker is responsible for your system is to turn the breakers off one at a time. This way you will be able to figure out which one is responsible. Using several circuit breakers, turn off the whole HVAC system.

Turn off the breakers one by one until you locate the relevant ones

In some instances, the circuit breakers that power your heating and air-conditioning equipment may be different. Typically, you won’t tell which item is powering your thermostat. The most likely culprit is either the heater or the air conditioner. As a result, you must switch off all of the circuit breakers associated with your thermostat to be sure it is completely unplugged.

Breakers for HVAC-related equipment should be turned off if labelled. However, if the breakers are not indicated, you may run into the same issue as explained above. After that, you’ll have to go through the same steps as before, turning off the breakers one by one until you locate the relevant ones. Stop using electricity in your home.

Switching off the main breaker is an option if your breaker box is unlabeled and you cannot tell when your HVAC system is shut off. You will lose all of your electricity if you do this. Clocks may need to be reset if the power is switched back on.

Only Unplug Your Air Conditioner and Heater

In most cases, the thermostat’s low-voltage transformer may be located near or within the A/C/ or heating unit. The thermostat should be turned off, or the breaker panel switch should be shut off if the thermostat is positioned near the furnace. If the thermostat is incorporated in the A/C or furnace, disconnecting or shutting off power to the A/C or furnace will immediately remove power to the thermostat.

There are at least two transformers in most homes, so you need to keep that in mind. Each of the two thermostats has its power supply. The proper transformer should be switched off, so check there. It’s best to turn off both if you aren’t sure!

The thermostat may be turned off in a variety of ways. If you’d like, you may utilise any of the methods above. Turning off the power to a thermostat before working on it is always recommended, even though most room thermostats use low voltage and provide the minimal danger of electric shock.


You can lessen your carbon impact while still enjoying the same level of comfort with energy efficient solutions. Energy conservation does not have to come at the expense of your comfort. Smart thermostats make it possible to turn your heating or air conditioning system seamless and operate it through an app, voice command, or complete automation. And we know that’s exactly what you’re looking for in your home.