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How to choose the perfect preschool: A guide for parents

What to Consider

Logistics: Ensure the preschool fits your family’s lifestyle. Consider location, fees (including coverage details), and payment schedules (monthly, termly, yearly).

Safety: Prioritize strong safety measures. Look for clear policies, first-aid trained staff, clean facilities, and secure drop-off/pick-up procedures.

Learning Environment: Look for a preschool with a curriculum that prepares children for future schooling through a play-based approach. The focus should be on fostering development in a safe and nurturing space.

Quality Care: Responsive caregiving is crucial. Teachers should understand each child’s individual needs and preferences, creating a positive and secure learning environment.

Happiness: Opt for a preschool that prioritizes play and creates a welcoming atmosphere where your child feels comfortable and thrives.

Janet Beyrooti, the preschool curriculum manager at Curro Independent Schools, emphasizes, “When choosing a preschool, parents should focus on safety, teacher quality, and the school’s approach to early childhood learning, ensuring it supports brain development through play in a safe and caring environment.”

Additional Considerations

Teacher-to-Student Ratio: Smaller class sizes enable more personalized attention.

Sick Child Policy: Understand the school’s procedures for handling illnesses.

Daily Schedule: Review what a typical day looks like for your child’s age group.

Parent Communication: Evaluate how the school keeps parents informed.

The Bottom Line

Choosing the right preschool is an investment in your child’s future. Select a school that emphasizes play-based learning, responsive caregiving, and a safe, supportive environment. Remember, happy and nurtured children are better prepared to learn.

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