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Donald Trump praises Charles III: ‘got a great way about him’

Former President Donald Trump (left) said King Charles III (right) “has a great way about him” (Photo: Reuters/Getty Images)

former president donald trump .

The 45th president of the United States on Tuesday opined that Charles has a “strong view of things” and an “agenda.”

But Trump said he believed Prince Charles would never speak out on political issues.

“I think he’ll probably maintain a little bit politically,” Trump said. In an interview with GBNews.

Trump explained that he “knows Charles very well” because he “spent a lot of time” with him when he was president.

Trump said of Elizabeth II’s successor, “So I’m a little biased when I say it, but you know, he had a strong take on things.

“It’s probably difficult for a king who wants to be 100% loved by the people like the Queen. The Queen, everybody loved her, right? She didn’t have that kind of agenda.

“I think Charles will do very well. I think he has a great way about him,” Trump said.

The former president also praised Queen Camilla as “absolutely beautiful.”

“We had a great time together,” Trump said of Charles’ previous interaction with Camilla.

Trump also praised new Prime Minister Liz Truss as “very good, very good.”

In contrast, Trump attacked former Prime Minister Boris Johnson for “waking up”.

“Boris was a friend of mine, maybe still is, but I haven’t spoken to him in a while,” Trump said.

“The problem Boris has is that he’s suddenly become liberal. I think it’s crazy.”

Trump has also criticized Meghan Markle, as he has done in the past.

“I’m not a fan of hers. I was never a fan of hers,” Trump said. You didn’t look very happy.”

Trump said Markle was “disrespectful to the Queen. That’s a no-no. You can’t do that.”

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https://metro.co.uk/2022/10/05/donald-trump-praises-king-charles-iii-got-a-great-way-about-him-17504403/ Donald Trump praises Charles III: 'got a great way about him'

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