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Do you ever wonder what you will do in retirement? Here are nine ideas of what to do when you stop working.


The prospect of retirement is exciting to some people, though it fills others with dread. Regardless of how you approach your retirement years, you should think about what you will do during this stage of your life.

However, many people have no idea how they will spend their time in retirement. Therefore, here are nine ideas of what to do when you stop working.

  1. Travel. 

The number of older travellers is increasing, according to the Financial Times. Also, their destinations are becoming more widespread. Therefore, if you get itchy feet when you retire, there are plenty of opportunities to travel to far-off destinations.

You should not be concerned if you want to travel alone.

According to ABTA, the over-75‘s were the most likely group (22%) to travel alone in 2018. Also, the number of solo travellers in the 55 to 64 age bracket rose from 11% to 17%. As well as seeing the world, around 40% of this age bracket hoped to meet new friends during their travels.

Travel events such as Destinations are ideal for engaging with travel companies that cater to older travellers. Using such companies means you can find the group or solo travel adventure you desire.

  1. Family time.

Although the prospect of a home free of the kids might seem appealing, retirement offers you the other charity opportunity to make more family memories. An excellent way to have some fun family time is to take a holiday together, away from the pressures of everyday life.

Of course, your retirement could lead to more requests for childminding. If you are under 65 and regularly take care of your grandchildren, you could benefit from State Pension contributions.

To qualify for the maximum State Pension benefit, you must’ve built up 35 years of National Insurance contributions. These years do not have to be consecutive, but any gaps will reduce the State Pension you receive.

Taking care of a child under 12 can get you credit towards your National Insurance contributions. You can check if you are eligible for these by visiting the gov.uk website

  1. Work part-time

In the past, retirement meant ceasing work altogether. However, things are pretty different nowadays, and many choose to extend their working lives or work part-time.

In 1998, only 20% of 60 to 64-year-olds were employed. Jump forward twenty years, and the figure has risen to around 33%. The percentage for women choosing to work part-time is almost twice that of men; 27% compared to 13%.

Pension freedoms introduced in 2015 give you more options for how you can stage your retirement. Working part-time is now more of an option. You may consider asking your employer for reduced hours. Alternatively, you could try something entirely new for your part-time work.

  1. Do more walking.

An excellent way to keep fit and healthy during retirement is to do more walking. Also, it’s a great way to meet new people. The National Trust has some of the most beautiful lands in the country for walks, and they offer discounted membership fees for retired people.

Alternatively, you can find local walking groups by browsing the Ramblers website. Another online service is Borrow My Doggy, which hooks up dog-loving walkers with people who need their dogs to be exercised.

  1. Brain training.

With some spare time your retirement presents you, why not consider learning a new skill or some other way of training your brain. Online resources such as OpenLearn offer a host of courses. The great thing about them is that they are free and you can learn at a pace that suits you.

If more structured learning appeals to you, you may choose to go to university as a mature student. You may not need the formal qualifications that younger applicants require, as your work and life experience can count towards your credits.

Alternatively, you might be more suited to learning a new craft such as woodwork, sketching, or jewellery making. A career of working in an office may have given you specific computer skills that you also might wish to enhance during your retirement.

  1. Do some volunteering.

Volunteering is an excellent way to give something back, do a worthwhile activity, and meet new people. There are bound to be many volunteering opportunities in your community, and you can start looking for these on sites such as Do-it.

For example, you could do some fundraising for a charity, help out carers, or get involved in an environmental project. Your opportunities to volunteer are endless.

  1. Emigrate.

The idea of you moving overseas for your retirement might not sit too well with friends and family who had expected to see more of you when you retire. However, their initial reluctance may be countered by the prospect of regular holidays and trips to visit you on sunnier shores. Portugal, Spain, and Bulgaria or among the top destinations for British retirees to head.

However, before deciding to emigrate, you should check out your destination country for things like healthcare, exchange rates, and welfare rights. Also, check the gov.uk website for how to claim your State Pension while living overseas. 

  1. Blogging and Vlogging.

You might think that blogging and vlogging (video blogging) would be more suited to your grandchildren, but you might be surprised. A lifetime of work and gaining knowledge means you are a valuable source of information.

Starting a blog means that you can provide your knowledge to anyone who needs it. Indeed, there will be someone in the world looking for the exact information you have on the tip of your tongue.

Blogging can not only provide you with a worthwhile activity before your retirement, but I could also supplement your income. Depending on the number of subscribers you have, you could receive sponsorship and endorsements. You never know, you could become the next Internet sensation!

  1. Get comfortable

Being financially comfortable in retirement is crucial if you are to enjoy your post-working years. However, according to you guys, around 28% of UK adults do not believe they will have sufficient funds for their retirement. Moreover, another 15% are sure they will not.

The key to becoming financially comfortable in your retirement is to start preparing for it as soon as possible.Getting professional and regulated financial advice will help you with planning for your retirement, check out Portafina.Your pension is likely to form a significant part of your retirement savings. Therefore, you should do everything possible to maximise your pension funds.

High pension charges and poor performance can erode your pension fund. However, you can take action to remedy this. Regularly checking your pension will enable you to take early action and make corrections. You can get help doing this by consulting a regulated financial advisor.