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Australian News Live: Nearly 600 facilities in Shepperton flooded as ADF deployed in Victorian Floods.australian news

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Isabella Moore

The Northern Territory government has spent $2.65 billion over the past 15 years to improve housing quality in remote Indigenous communities, but overcrowding remains a problem and many homes need repair .

Under the Northern Territory’s National Partnership for Remote Housing Policy, the government was to improve housing conditions and reduce overcrowding in 73 remote communities and 17 town camps around Alice Springs. However, the latest data on overcrowding in remote communities managed by the National Partnership show that overcrowding has fallen by only 3.2% over five years.

none of this is new Miriam CharlieSince 2015, the Yanyuwa Garrwa artist has been using a Polaroid camera to photograph the homes of all four town camps in Borroloola.

“They are homes, too small, and overcrowded,” she says. “So I went around and took pictures of everyone’s homes. What parts weren’t fixed and what parts were fixed.”

Read the full story by Isabella Moore to learn more about Miriam Charlie’s extraordinary work and social awareness.

Protest against planned nuclear waste dump in South Australia

The Barngarla nation today staged protests in Port Augusta against federal government plans to build a nuclear waste repository in Kimba, South Australia.

Jason bilneyThe chairman of the Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation said Thursday that the community had been intentionally left out of the planning process by the previous coalition government.

“We don’t want to put radioactive waste on our land. We are very clear about this,” Bilney said.

Senate probe into poverty begins Thursday

A Senate inquiry into Australia’s poverty levels begins Thursday, with the first hearings expected to examine Melbourne’s housing problem.

The inquiry is chaired by Senator Greens. Janet ricecoincides with the start of Anti-Poverty Week.

As the Labor government grapples with its October budget, Rice said the decision not to raise Social Security spending was the “political choice” that hit children living in poverty the hardest. I was.

Poverty is a political choice, and Labor governments are choosing tax cuts in exchange for making life easier for wealthy families.

Income support payments are now up to $40 a day below the poverty line, and there are 300,000 female single parents who rely solely on Centrelink as their source of income.

Greens Senator Janet Rice. Photo: Mick Tsikas/AAP

New South Wales opposition leaders promise locally manufactured trains in fleet upgrades

New South Wales Opposition Leader Chris mins The elected Labor government has promised to “build a train here” to replace the aging Tangalle fleet.

On Saturday, the NSW Labor Party pledged to build the next generation of passenger trains locally, creating 1,000 jobs.

Mr Minns attacked the state government over its decision to buy off-the-shelf trains, ferries and trams from abroad. He says this has increased costs by up to 50% and caused delivery delays.

“Liberals have always said that New South Wales is not good at building railroads. We’re going to build trains here,” Mins said.

“After 10 years of liberals sending thousands of jobs offshore and buying trains, trams and ferries full of flaws, defects and failures, I am determined to bring railroad manufacturing back to New South Wales. .”

Under the plan, exchanges between Tangalle and Millennium trains will require at least 50% local content in future contracts.

The party said the requirement “acts as a floor rather than a ceiling” and projects exceeding it would be “favorably considered” during the bidding process.

Tangalle train at Waverton Station
Tangalle train at Waverton station. Photo: James D. Morgan/Getty Images

Amy Remakes

Amy Remakes

National Caregiver Week Begins

You may notice some new government advertisements starting today.

The national advertising campaign for the 30th National Caregiver Week begins today.

‘Help for those who never ask’ campaign translated into many languages, including 15 Indigenous languages, is a first step towards the government’s promise to better support unpaid care workers in Australia is.

As floods forced evacuations and emergency alerts throughout the region, New South Walesthey are also moving wildlife into urban spaces to avoid rising floods.

About 600 properties in the Shepperton area flooded

Stephanie Conberry

Stephanie Conberry

Reports this morning that SES confirmed nearly 8,000 facilities were flooded in the Shepperton-Moorupuna area may be a bit of an exaggeration.

representative of SES It told Guardian Australia it was impossible to confirm the number of flooded properties as the situation was “very complicated” and still evolving. Due to the dangerous conditions, it was difficult to deploy impact assessment teams to those locations, a spokesperson said.

However, SES is working with Fire Rescue. Victoria To date, we have been able to assess and confirm that more than 600 facilities in the Shepperton area have been flooded. Evaluation is still in progress, so that number is expected to grow.

A spokesperson could not confirm how many people had been evacuated or evacuated.

The immediate concern is the floods that affect the town. The Goulburn River is expected to peak at 4 a.m. on Monday when he is 12.2 meters. This is higher than the 1974 flood peak of 12.09 meters.

An evacuation warning has now been issued Shepperton, Moorupuna, Oval However, SES advises that it is now too late to leave. They urge those still in those areas to evacuate to as high a place as possible and avoid flooding.

Click here for the video Shepperton Massive flooding inundated parts of the town on Sunday morning.

It’s a similar story in Echuca.

New evacuation orders issued in New South Wales and Victoria

New South Wales emergency services have issued new evacuation alerts for those staying Moama Caravan and Tourist Park Departs before 9am on Monday.

On the other hand, people in surrounding areas Echuca An evacuation alert was issued for residents, who received text messages telling them to leave immediately. Charlton town.

Josh Butler

Josh Butler

Deployed to support the Australian Defense Force Victoria flood

Australian Defense Force personnel deployed to Victoria to help respond to flood-induced emergency with Prime Minister Anthony Albanian Flag the possibility of additional assistance to Victoria.

“We have made available whatever assistance is requested. There are now 60 Australian Defense Force personnel on the ground, assisting with evacuations, providing sandbag support, and as the Defense Forces have always role,” Albanese told ABC Radio this morning.

It also established the National Center for Resilience, using a federal facility in Mickleham. This will ensure that 250 beds are available for those who unfortunately had to evacuate their homes.

Albanese said there may be additional support from Services Australia. We expect a press conference from him this afternoon.

Anthony Albanese visits flood-affected areas in Victoria

Josh Butler

Josh Butler

prime minister Anthony Albanian travel to Victoria Today we will visit the area affected by the flood.We expect him to visit Bendigo this morning and hold a press conference in Melbourne in the early afternoon with his federal colleagues and the Victorian Prime Minister. Daniel Andrews.

The federal government has committed to deploying Defense Force staff to the affected areas to further assist with recovery and cleanup efforts. Andrews was also seeking federal funding to prepare the controversial Michaelham Quarantine Facility (which closed shortly after it opened because it didn’t need a special Covid quarantine space) as a shelter.

Albanians may get some questions about infrastructure spending in the next federal budget, with the big announcement about it today when the government confirmed spending of $9.6 billion. In confirmation of its election promises, the government paints the announcement as a course correction in how the previous coalition government handled this area.

Albanians and Infrastructure Minister Katherine King said in a statement:

This budget takes an important first step toward ensuring that federal infrastructure spending is responsibly affordable and sustainable.

We are putting meaning back into infrastructure planning and delivery.

Scale of Victoria’s flood recovery efforts will be ‘significant’: King

Conversation turns to flooding and damage to infrastructure. A damages claim has not yet been filed, but King said some of the photos have given him a sense of the damage to the road.

The good news is that now the government – as we’ve seen in Queensland and New South Wales – is actually rebuilding better.

King says he expects Victoria to ask “important questions” regarding flood recovery efforts.

She concludes, “Our hearts go out to the people of Shepperton and Echuca.”

Who would have thought Malibenon and Kensington would be in the water? terrible.

King on Coalition Expensive Parking and Voluntary Subsidies

Asked for examples of these extraordinary frauds, King cites expensive parking lots and a $2 billion regional acceleration fund.

Frankly, it was weird in particular.I think Bridget Mackenzie Advocate – Again, she ran around the country during the election campaign, announcing all sorts of bits and pieces.

Sure, we keep some elements of that. It’s on the new government’s agenda for training people, ensuring adequate funding for universities, but not keeping much of it.

For the Building Better Regions Fund, applications closed in December and were not evaluated before the government left. “We haven’t decided on that yet,” King said.

There will be some kind of community grant program. It’s not the terrible, warped program we’ve seen in the past.

King criticizes Coalition’s ‘fanfare’ launch project with little follow-through

King uses this interview to delve into his predecessor, discussing badmouthing sports and the former Union government’s habit of making flashy announcements but not always following through.

The previous administration announced a lot with a lot of fanfare, but given the capacity constraints and the amount of money available.

King said many of the announced projects will need to be reviewed to ensure realistic deadlines and adequate funding.

There are reductions, especially when it comes to the one you just saw, and an exceptional lot when it comes to commuter parking.

https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2022/oct/16/australia-news-live-flooding-victoria-shepparton-rain-albanese-politics Australian News Live: Nearly 600 facilities in Shepperton flooded as ADF deployed in Victorian Floods.australian news

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