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Australia news live: Extinction Rebellion protesters glue hands to prized Picasso; parts of NSW told to evacuate over flood danger | Australia news

SES warns NSW residents to evacuate early

The NSW State Emergency Service has issued 94 warnings issues across the state, with the commissioner Carlene York warning residents to evacuate early and take extra precautions.

It is very dangerous out there on our roads. We are seeing a lot of flash flooding and as we have said the rivers are still rising.

York asked people to pay attention to evacuation orders and said evacuation centres have been opened to accomodate them.

When you ask people, if you have to evacuate or are planning to evacuate, reach out to family and friends first and if you can’t do that, we will make sure of the right evacuation centres you can go to.

Key events

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That’s it from me Graham Readfearn and for our live news coverage for today. Thanks to Royce Kurmelovs for his work for the bulk of this Sunday.

Here’s what happened.

  • Ten places in NSW are under advice to evacuate as most rivers in regional areas are under flood warnings. Forecasters say more rain will hit already bulging rivers in NSW later this week.

  • Police in Western Australia are looking for a 4WD driver after an elderly man on his electric bike was hit and killed near Perth.

  • Two Extinction Rebellion activists were arrested at the National Gallery of Victoria after they glued themselves to Pablo Picasso’s Massacre in Korea. The painting had a protective cover and a spokesperson for the activists say the painting itself was not damaged.

  • The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, stressed his government’s position on the stage-three tax cuts “hasn’t changed” during a press conference in Perth.

  • Former NT chief minister Michael Gunner, who resigned in May, has taken a role with mining magnate Andrew Forest’s clean industry and hydrogen venture Fortescue Future Industries.

  • Opposition leader Peter Dutton said he did not agree with calls for his party’s vice-president, Teena McQueen, to resign. McQueen had said party members should “rejoice” at the defeat of some of the party’s moderates in the last federal election.

Thanks for being here and, if you’re anywhere that’s threatened with flooding, please stay in touch with the warnings from the SES and the Bureau of Meteorology.

Stay safe. Complete this sentence: If it’s flooded…

Someone in Dubbo took their dog out in a kayak to look at the flooding.

A local has shared photos taking his dog on a Kayak ride around Dubbo, including checking out the flooded shopping centre, and it has made my day ❤️❤️❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/iHfpYFgK2w

— Lucy Thackray (@LucyThack) October 9, 2022

Just 4 paramedics on stand by at Indonesia football disaster, says official

Only four paramedics were on standby inside the football stadium in Indonesia where 131 people were killed in a crowd crush, with a further 12 nearby, the head of the local public health office has said, promising a thorough evaluation of the response.

The match was not considered to be a high-risk event because only fans of Arema, the home side, were present, said Wiyanto Wijoyo, the head of Malang regency public health office.

Supporters of the opposing team, Persebaya Surabaya, who won the match, had been banned as a precaution to prevent violence between rival fans.

Areas of Richmond, north-west of Sydney, told to evacuate

The NSW SES have issued another evacuation request along the Hawkesbury River, this time for areas in the town of Richmond north-west of Sydney.

The evacuation alert affects parts of Cornwallis and eastern part of Richmond Lowlands.

People on the Hawkesbury River bounded by Kurrajong Road, the back of Francis Street, the back of Dight Street, Percival Street and Rickabys Creek are being asked to evacuate before 11.45pm.

This includes Bensons Lane; Cornwallis Road; Cornwells Lane; Cupritts Lane; Gow Lane; Ingolds Lane; Old Kurrajong Road; Onus Lane; Percival Street; Powells Lane; Ridges Lane; and Triangle Lane.

The SES says if people cannot find alternative accommodation they should go to the evacuation centre set up at Castle Hill RSL.

The river level at Windsor could go above moderate flood levels this evening, reaching 8.1 metres on Monday afternoon.

PM rides Perth’s first airport train

In amongst pushing away questions about tax cuts and the nuclear threat from the Ukraine conflict, prime minister Anthony Albanese squeezed on a train for a selfie with WA premier Mark McGowan and the state’s transport minister Rita Saffioti.

Albanese rode the first train of the new $1.86bn Metronet airport line when it pulled out of High Wycombe station this morning, alongside 40 “lucky” lottery winners.

The new airport line goes underneath the Swan River and Perth airport and adds 8.5km to the city’s rail network.

The Guardian’s live coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in ongoing, with reports that at least 17 people have been killed in shelling in the city of Zaporizhzhia.

Evacuation request for Sackville in NSW as flooding expected

The NSW SES says people living in an area of Sackville should evacuate before 11.45pm tonight as the Hawkesbury River rises.

The agency says properties near the intersection of Sackville Road and Tizzana Road should evacuate with dangerous flooding expected.

Anyone who can’t find alternative accommodation with family or friends should go to the evacuation facility at the North Richmond Community Centre.

A route along Sackville Road and then Kurmond Road should be taken, as some roads could also flood tonight.

The evacuation request for the locality is the eighth to have been issued across the state since yesterday.

Elderly man on electric bike killed in alleged hit-run in WA

Police in Western Australia are looking for the driver of a four-wheel drive involved in a fatal crash that killed an 86-year-old man riding an electric bike, AAP reports.

The man was hit on the Mitchell Freeway, near Perth, just before 5am today near the Hepburn Avenue exit.

Police believe a silver Mitsubishi four-wheel drive struck the man but did not stop. The man died at the scene from critical injuries.

The car involved would have significant front end damage, particularly on the left-hand passenger side, police said.

Picasso painting in Melbourne ‘perfectly OK’ after protest, Extinction Rebellion says

Adeshola Ore

An Extinction Rebellion spokesperson has told Guardian Australia that a Picasso painting in Melbourne had not been damaged when two activists glued themselves to it.

The spokesperson said the Picasso painting, Massacre in Korea, at Melbourne’s NGV was “perfectly OK”.

Only the clear plastic covering over the painting had been damaged, the spokesperson said.

Two Extinction Rebellion protesters glued their hands to the painting on Sunday.
Two Extinction Rebellion protesters glued their hands to the painting on Sunday. Photograph: Matt Hrkac

So far on Sunday 9 October

We’ve heard about flooding in New South Wales, a new green job for former NT chief minister and two activists have glued themselves to a Picasso.

Here’s a summary of what’s been happening today.

  • Most inland rivers in NSW are under flood warnings after torrential rain overnight. River heights are still rising in many places with a forecast of more heavy rain from Wednesday.

  • Residents across the state have been asked to be vigilant, not to drive through flood waters and stay across SES warnings.

  • Two Extinction Rebellion activists were arrested at the National Gallery of Victoria after they glued themselves to Pablo Picasso’s Massacre in Korea. The painting had a protective cover.

  • The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, stressed his government’s position on the stage-three tax cuts “hasn’t changed” during a press conference in Perth.

  • Former NT chief minister Michael Gunner, who resigned in May, has taken a role with mining magnate Andrew Forest’s clean industry and hydrogen venture Fortescue Future Industries.

  • Opposition leader Peter Dutton said he did not agree with calls for his party’s vice-president, Teena McQueen, to resign. McQueen had said party members should “rejoice” at the defeat of some of the party’s moderates in the last federal election.

On we go.

Thanks to Royce Kurmelovs for guiding us through our live news coverage.

I’m Graham Readfearn and I’ll be keeping things going for the rest of the day.

If you’re travelling in regional parts of New South Wales, be careful on those flooded roads.

Graham Readfearn

Graham Readfearn

Man in stable condition following shark attack

A man in his 30s who suffered serious injuries to his arm from a shark bite remains in a stable condition in the Royal Perth hospital.

Early reports suggested the man had been spear fishing near Port Hedland yesterday morning when he was bitten by an unknown species of shark.

A Royal Flying Doctors service spokesperson said yesterday the man’s left arm had been almost severed by the shark.

The hospital confirmed the man was still in a stable condition.

Fox News reports that 22 out of 28 cars have either been off track or been involved in some sort of incident during the Bathurst 1000.

Whether it’s bushfire smoke or torrential rain, the moment is a good reminder of how climate change threatens the future of sport.

Climate activists glued themselves to Picasso painting in protest

Adeshola Ore

Adeshola Ore

Two Extinction Rebellion activists have glued themselves to a Pablo Picasso work at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Photos posted to social media show two protesters glued to Picasso’s Massacre in Korea – a 1951 anti-war expressionist painting – in the gallery on Sunday afternoon.

A spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion told Guardian Australia the two protesters had been arrested and taken to a police station in Southbank. The spokesperson said a conservator from the gallery used acetone to remove the superglue used by the protesters.

The climate activist group said it targeted the high-profile painting to urge all governments, corporations and institutions to take action on the environmental crisis.

A Victoria police spokesperson said they believed three protesters entered the gallery on the ground level before a man and a woman glued themselves to the protective covering of the Picasso painting.

The spokesperson said a 49-year-old NSW woman and a 59-year old Footscray man were removed from the painting just after 2pm.

The pair and a 49-year-old Williamstown man have been arrested and are assisting police with their enquiries.

‘It is a dangerous time’: PM on risk of nuclear escalation in Ukraine

The prime minister will not be drawn over concerns about the growing risk of nuclear escalation in Ukraine saying: “It is a dangerous time.”

What we know is that this is a dangerous time. One of the pressures on the budget of course is defence expenditure.

We do not think that there would be a land war in Europe like we are seeing with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We hoped that was something we had put in the past.

After speaking of his time in Ukraine meeting president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Albanese said the situation could be resolved if Russia withdrew from Ukraine.

They’re fighting for the international rule of law and they’re fighting to uphold the principle that nation states’ borders should be respected.

President Putin can fix this by just withdrawing. By withdrawing from this aggressive act that is totally against international law.

His comments echo those of Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin who said Russia “leaving Ukraine” was the only way the conflict would end.

‘Our position hasn’t changed’: PM on stage-three tax cuts

Albanese is attempting to water down speculation over which way his government will go on the future of stage-three tax cuts ahead of the 25 October budget saying: “Our position hasn’t changed.”

Albanese has repeated the line several times while also preparing Australians for potential cuts:

We are triaging a budget where there is a trillion dollars of debt and frankly not much to show for it.

https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2022/oct/09/australia-news-live-floods-nsw-evacuation-insiders-anthony-albanese-peter-dutton-politics-tax-cuts Australia news live: Extinction Rebellion protesters glue hands to prized Picasso; parts of NSW told to evacuate over flood danger | Australia news

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