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9/11 memorial and ceremony mark 21st anniversary of attacks

Sunday marks the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks (Photo: Getty Images)

21st anniversary 9/11 The attack was Sunday, and there are many programmings at ceremonies and memorials that show Americans will never forget.

In New York City where the Twin Towers collapsed, national september 11 Memorial & Museum “We are leading the nation and the world to commemorate the anniversary of the day that changed our lives forever,” the organization’s website says.

The 21st anniversary celebrations will begin on Sunday at 8:30 am in Memorial Square, with the first hour of six silences at 8:46 am.

Moments of silence recall when each of the World Trade Centers was hit by planes and fell, when the Pentagon attacked, and when Flight 93 crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.

People mourn at the 9/11 Memorial to mark the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks in Manhattan, New York, September 11, 2021 (Photo: Getty Images)

Victims’ families can enter the memorial square at 7:30 am and the program will run until 12:30 pm.

On Sundays the museum is open to families only. The museum will be open to the public at 2:00 p.m. Saturday and will be accessible only to the families of the victims, first responders, and rescue workers who helped on the tragic day.

President Joe Biden will deliver a speech and wreath at the Pentagon at 9 a.m. Sunday. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley will host the event. The Pentagon ceremony is closed to the public so families of the victims can remember their loved ones.

A tower of light illuminates the sky in memory of those killed in the September 11, 2001 Pentagon attack (Photo: Getty Images)

Ahead of the anniversary, Biden signed a proclamation declaring Sunday an anniversary.

“In this day of prayer and remembrance, we will not only honor the memory of those who have died, but build a future worthy of their dreams, bringing light in the dark and places that are broken,” Biden said in a statement. come together to find strength.

“The great and crucial truth about America is this: We will not break. We will never give in.”

The American flag hangs from the side of the Pentagon to mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in Washington DC on September 11, 2021 (Photo: Getty Images)

First Lady Jill Biden speaks at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville on Sunday.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman attend a memorial service at the National September 11 Memorial Museum.

Nearly 3,000 people were killed in attacks designed by the al-Qaeda terrorist group.

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https://metro.co.uk/2022/09/10/9-11-memorial-ceremonies-on-21st-anniversary-ensure-us-will-never-forget-17341924/ 9/11 memorial and ceremony mark 21st anniversary of attacks

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