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 3 Ways To Personalise Your Car


You probably found your way here because you are a car enthusiast looking to play around with some customizations. Maybe you have been trying to figure out what to do with your car but have no idea what the ideal modification suggestion would be. It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the potential car mods because there are many possibilities.

We recommend choosing alterations or additions that, despite their apparent simplicity, will have a noticeable effect on the vehicle. If you want to modify your car, you do not have to go crazy with the price or design. When in doubt, less is more.

Too much emphasis on modifications and personalization can give the impression that the car has an inherently poor design. We have compiled three easy guidelines for success for those interested in auto customization.

1. Fog Lights

Fog lights should be installed permanently in the front bumpers. If you have always wanted one for your automobile but are worried about breaking the law, research the relevant transportation laws in your area. As long as your fog lights do not blind other drivers or present a hazard, you can legally use them on your vehicle.

Here are some things to think about before purchasing and installing fog lights:

  • The fog lights require a specific kind of bulb, depending on your financial capacity.
  • Attach the fog lights to the correct location, which could be the grille, front bumper, or rack of your automobile.

2. Customise Your Plates

When you register your automobile, you will receive a set of DVLA-issued number plates. However, you can opt out of the standard issue plates and purchase a set with your choice of numbers. To an extent that is. The custom numbers are checked to see if they’ve already been used by another party, and the numbers must also abide by some other DVLA set rules. But a custom plate is a fun way to add something both personal and unique to your ride.

If you do choose to go the route of fun and unique, purchasing unique licence plate numbers from a reputable dealer will make this process as quick as possible.  You can also use online ‘plate number viewers’ to see what a vehicle would look like with various number combinations. So go ahead and test out different alpha-numeric combos, you may just find the perfect alpha-numeric combo!

  1. Purchase Alloy Wheels

One of the most noticeable aspects of any car is its wheels, yet many motorists use the most uninteresting designs possible. No, it cannot be you. For those who want to inject individuality into their rides, there is a wide range of options, from ordinary silver rims to those with a twist (spinning alloys).

Before you drop a lot of cash, double-check that the alloys you plan to use meet all relevant safety regulations.

Bonus Tip

You can modify your car’s interior if it does not have the most up-to-date and luxurious fixtures and fittings to reflect the calibre of your car. Leather seat coverings are usually a smart choice, but they can get pricey.

If you are on a tight budget, you might want to consider some alternatives. You can make a lot of changes to the interior without the assistance of experts, so think about how you can make it reflect your character.

Final Thoughts

Like every automobile owner, you probably have a lot of feelings for your ride and want to make it uniquely yours. Even though the modifications above are pretty easy, they substantially give your car a personal touch. The onus is now on you to evaluate the modifications mentioned above and settle on your car’s best course of action.

Whatever you choose, remember that you should trust the task only to trained professionals. If you don’t, you will not get to experience the satisfaction that comes with completing a car customising job.